
Ulster University expect all students to be punctual and regular in their attendance, however there are circumstances where you may need to take a break in attendance.

If you need to take a break in attendance, you need to follow the guidance below to ensure your academic student record is maintained and to fully understand your Tuition Fee Liability and any impact non-attendance may have on your student finance.

Absence for your course can include:

  • short term absence
  • leave of absence (temporary break from studies)
  • complete withdrawal
Short term absence (NA1)

Short term absence (NA1)

Where possible, you should notify you Course Director if you plan to be absent from study.

If your period of absence is more than five working days, you should arrange for a medical certificate to be presented to the Course Director, within one week of returning from your absence period by completing a Notification of Absence Form (NA1).

Download Notification of Absence Form
Extenuating circumstances (EC1)

Extenuating circumstances (EC1)

If you miss an examination, class test or are unable to hand in coursework by a set deadline, please complete an Extenuating Circumstances EC1 form submitted this to your Course Director.

Download Extenuating circumstances form
Take a leave absence

Take a leave absence

Follow these steps if you are taking a temporary break from your studies and intend to return to the University.

View leave of absence steps
Leave the University

Leave the University

Follow these steps if you are thinking about permanently withdrawing from the University.

View steps to leave the University
Proof of attendance

Proof of attendance

How to download a confirmation of attendance letter to confirm your registration and course details.

How to download proof of attendance

Tuition Fee Refund

Download a Tuition Fee Refund Form.

Tuition Fee Liability Policy

Tuition Fee Liability Policy 2024/25