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Student Voice
Ulster University and UUSU established the first Student Panel in June 2020, now in its fourth year, the Student Panel sits within the Student Success Centre.
The purpose of the student led panel is to ensure that our students are active collaborators and play a central role in shaping the direction of the student experience here at Ulster.
Through this partnership and placing the student voice at the heart our thinking, planning and delivery it enables Ulster to continuously enhance and provide high quality services.
The Student Panel is co-chaired by UUSU President/Vice President and Head of the Student Success Centre.

Panel Membership
The Student Panel is a group of students drawn from across the University with a specific demographic, who will represent the student body, in relation to current and future proposals.
Regardless of campus, within the panel there should be, at least one:
- International student
- Mature student
- BAME student
- Disabled student
- Postgraduate taught student
- Postgraduate researcher
- Full time and part time undergraduate student
- Full time and part time postgraduate student
- First year student
- Second year student
- Third year student
- Apprenticeship student
The members of the Student Panel are recruited on an annual basis, through UUTemps at the beginning of each academic year.
Get in touch
To find out more about getting involved please email