Where to eat in Belfast
Check out the restaurants and cafes available around our Belfast Campus.
Find something to eat or drink on Campus in one of the many Cafes, Bars and Retail Catering outlets across the University’s Estate. Our Catering Services are delivered by a number of service partners. We offer a wide range of food and drink served in modern innovative spaces around Campus that are ideal for socializing with friends and colleagues.
We will deliver eating and drinking experiences and choice which offers convenience and value balanced with cultural and dietary trends, to fit around academic and social schedules in a welcoming environment that compliments your social needs.
Check out the restaurants and cafes available around our Belfast Campus.
Check out the restaurants and cafes available around our Coleraine Campus.
Check out the restaurants and cafes available around our Derry~Londonderry Campus.
Check out the restaurants and cafes available around our Jordanstown.