Key information
- Value: £3,000 per year (up to a maximum of £9,000)
- Study Level: Undergraduate
About this opportunity
At Ulster University, we understand that lack of finance may be the only reason that many people with potential do not progress to university.
In order to address this inequality, we believe that we need to support more people on their university journey to ensure that they graduate with the qualifications, experiences and skills that will secure a better future.
Ulster University has therefore been working to raise funds to provide financial scholarships to a number of students entering their first year at Ulster University.
In September 2024, we are able to support 28 students with a scholarship of £3,000 a year for each year of their degree (placement year excluded) up to a maximum of £9,000.
You must be studying a full-time degree based on one of Ulster University's three campuses in Belfast, Coleraine or Derry~Londonderry.
Do you have any questions for us?
If you have any queries please send your enquiry by email to:

How to Apply
The call for applications for entry to the AY24-25 academic year is now open.
Date | Event |
26 January 2024 | Applications for Community Scholarships Open |
6 June 2024 | Deadline for accepting course in UU |
14 June 2024 | Applications for Community Scholarships Close |
24 June -10 July 2024 | Provisional offers of Scholarships will be made pending evidence being provided by the applicant and their referee |
15 August 2024 | A-Level Results Day |
Once all supporting evidence has been gathered and verified from provisional awardees, an offer of a scholarship will be made and terms and conditions will be sent to awardees.
Eligibility criteria
The Ulster University Community Scholarships are open to individuals who are currently in final year of an acceptable Level 3 qualification such as A-Levels, BTEC or equivalent at a Northern Ireland educational institution, and who also have a permanent home address in Northern Ireland.
Non-care experienced applicants must:
- Be in receipt of an offer from Ulster University and have confirmed Ulster as your first choice.
- Have a permanent home address in Northern Ireland.
- Be first in family (this means your parent(s) have not gone to university) to undertake an undergraduate degree (or equivalent) in the UK, Ireland or abroad. However, if a parent is currently studying for their first degree or has graduated within the last 5 years, the application will still be considered. You can apply if you have siblings who are at university or who have graduated.
Care experienced applicants must:
- Be in receipt of an offer from Ulster University and have confirmed Ulster as your first choice.
- Have a permanent home address in Northern Ireland.
- Be care experienced (see definition below).
In addition to the above criteria, all applicants must meet at least one of the following criteria:
- Be currently in receipt of free school meals (FSM) and/or Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA).
- Be the main carer for a family member or dependent.
- Be care experienced.
- Be in receipt of disability living allowance/personal independence payments.
- Permanently reside in an area of high deprivation/low participation.
If you are not sure if you meet the criteria, please read the definitions below. You can also contact Leighann at if you have any questions.
Definition of carer
A carer is anyone who provides unpaid care to a family member who could not cope without their support.
This may be due to illness, disability, a mental health issue, or substance misuse or be someone who is the sole carer/provider for dependent children.
Definition of care experienced
Experience of being placed in care (fostering/adopted/care home or other supported residential care).
This includes individuals who have lived in public care or as a looked-after child, including placements with foster carers under local authority care or kinship care, in a residential children's home, or who have been adopted after being in care.
Definition of deprivation rank
Applications will be ranked according to deprivation rank.
High deprivation is indicated with a score of 356 or less.
Applicants can check eligibility using the NISRA postcode checker.
There are a number of benefits to receiving an Ulster University Community Scholarship. Successful students will:
- Receive a £3,000 per year scholarship (up to a maximum of £9,000) to alleviate the financial burdens of undertaking a degree.
- Be given the opportunity to take part in a bespoke information session to introduce you to life as a student at Ulster University. We will explore what to expect, for example, accommodation and student finance, well-being, budgeting and what student life looks like including clubs & societies, socialising and finding the balance of it all.
- Meet other students from across Northern Ireland and take part in workshops designed to support you.
- Be offered mentoring support from students within your degree programme e.g.: Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS) Programme.
- Receive dedicated ongoing support with the transition to Higher Education.
- Be given guidance on securing a placement.
You may also be eligible to apply for a laptop to help with your studies – further details will be sent to you.
How scholarships have helped our students in the past
“Having entered the care system as a teenager, I was determined that education would transform my life, despite little encouragement to study.
Receiving this scholarship allowed me to reduce my working hours and pay for childcare which enabled me to spend extra time on my studies and achieve the best degree possible.
Against the odds, I have been able to transform my life and give my children a better future. It simply would not have been possible without the scholarship I received.”
Victoria Burns
First Class BSc Psychology 2020
Information for parents
To find out more about student life at UU and how your child will be supported you can read more about our undergraduate degrees.
The Ulster University Community Scholarships were established to celebrate the opening of our new city centre campus, recognising the impact of the new campus and the opportunities it presents to our local community.
They are open to students applying to Ulster University and residing in Northern Ireland.