Unlock the potential of people, place and partnerships

Together we can transform organisations, improve society, and drive growth. We can work with you to help prime your business to achieve your immediate goals and deliver long-term sustainable growth.

“Our relationship with Ulster University is key to positioning ourselves, and our clients, for the future.”

Angela Clist - Partner, Co-Global Head, Financial Institutions Sector Group, A & O Shearman

Partnerships with Purpose

Work with us to solve your immediate issues, whilst thinking long-term to future-proof your organisation.

Not sure where to start? image

Not sure where to start?

Get in touch. We can connect you with key contacts across the entire university and help you develop partnerships.

Recruit student and graduate talent image

Recruit student and graduate talent

Advertise vacancies and raise your profile with students through placements, internships, graduate recruitment and training....

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Higher level apprenticeships

Take your employee's career to the next level. Find out how we can support your business to nurture talent and...

Engage with our Business School image

Engage with our Business School

Connect with us for innovative programme development and learning solutions for your employees, or for guidance on the most appropriate...

 Access our research expertise image

Access our research expertise

We deliver new product development, core research, research commercialisation, start up/scale up support, or simply solve technical problems for your...

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Social Impact and Sustainability

Transform futures through scholarships, sponsorships and strategic corporate giving. Talk to us about making a difference and giving back to...