Project Information
What is the study about
We are investigating the vitamin D status in school children. The most recent National Dietary and Nutrition Survey suggests that up to 40% of northern UK populations may be vitamin D deficient at the end of the winter months, however, there is no data for school-aged children in Northern Ireland. We hope this study may help fill that gap!
Who do we need
Healthy children aged 4-11 years old attending school.
What are we asking for?
We would ask participants to come to the Human Intervention Studies Unit (HISU) on Ulster University Coleraine campus for one 1.5-hour visit where we will take a few measurements including:
- body measurements
- muscle strength
- balance
- cognitive function
- vitamin D status (blood concentration of vitamin D) – requires a blood sample
- bone health measures
- and ask the parent to fill out a few questionnaires
If you are interested, we would also invite you and your child to take part in a 12-week intervention, which would only involve your child taking a supplement (or placebo) every day for 12 weeks, and then another 1-hour visit.
How could you benefit
Your child would have their vitamin D levels assessed, you would also have access to an associate registered nutritionist and further vitamin D and healthy eating advice.
Want to take part, or want more information?
Email the researcher (Emily) at or call at +44(0) 28 7012 3104 or 07950349270 for more information. We really appreciate your time!
Chief Investigator: Dr Pamela Magee
Study has been ethically approved Ulster University Research Ethics Committee.
This project is in collaboration with Queen Margaret University (Edinburgh, Scotland).
Approved by Professor Carol Curran OBE PhD, Executive Dean of Life and Health Sciences
All appropriate health and safety measures are in place to ensure safe access to the campus at the current time. You will be asked not to attend to the appointments if you present any COVID-19 symptoms such as high temperature, a new continuous cough, or loss or change to your sense of smell or taste, or if you have been told to isolate in the previous 14 days.
Also, on the day of your appointment you will be asked to wear a mask, sanitize your hands, sign in when you’ll be entering in the building and observe social distancing. You will be also asked to complete a COVID-19 questionnaire prior to each visit.