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The vast majority of students who undertake a degree in law do so with the intention of pursing a career in the field, however the evolving model of legal practice is changing the traditional training and career pathway.

Cost-pressures, automation, globalisation, de-regulation, changing client relationships and cuts to the public sector have made entry to the profession far more competitive.  Those who do gain entry are faced with an increasingly technological environment for which current academic and vocational training offers little preparation. It is not just the content of a law degree that has seemingly failed to keep pace with the times but also the method of delivery. Efforts to incorporate more experiential models of learning continue to be viewed as non-standard, leading to an educational model that exists largely detached from the application and experience of law in the real world.

Our research focuses on how we can improve the delivery of legal education, in order to better prepare students for the future of the legal profession. This research dovetails with our curriculum initiatives and course developments. Our research focuses not just on innovation in the curriculum, but how technology can also improve the learning experience for students of law.