Nominations can be made by staff, students or other interested parties, must be seconded by an academic member of staff and must come from a third party i.e. students cannot nominate themselves.
To be eligible for the award the student must demonstrate achievement in at least one of the following areas.
1. Voluntary/Community Work
Example 1: The student undertook work with a voluntary/community organisation which made a substantial difference to the lives of the client group/community.
Example 2: The student contributed to improving study/living conditions for international students within the University. This could take the form of initiatives to improve cultural awareness, organising social events, setting up clubs/societies/community events.
2. Overcoming a Disability/Personal Adversity
Example: The student overcame a disability or personal adversity which allowed them to become a role model for other students or they made a contribution to improving the opportunities for students with a disability to achieve their personal objectives. The latter could be by lobbying, representation, advocacy or way paving.
3. Personal Endeavour
Example: The student won a major academic prize
In order to choose the winner the selection panel will give consideration to the following:
- The impact of the contribution made
- The significance of the achievement
- The level of disability/adversity overcome, and resulting impact on others.
The panel may ask for short listed students to attend an interview or give a presentation where there is insufficient information in the initial nomination form to make a final decision.