Vision is an important aspect of our daily lives. Our group are involved in a number of projects which aim to explore visual function across a wide range of activities and tasks in daily life.
Accommodation, Pupils and convergence
Dr Little has established a means to objectively measure accommodation (focussing ability) using a remote photorefraction system. This has enabled the investigation of accommodation in children with Down Syndrome and Cerebral Palsy. This system offers the means to simultaneously measure pupil responses, convergence and accommodation, and offers a rich methodology to investigate binocular vision.
Hyperopia and Near work
Hyperopia (long-sightedness) is a common refractive error in childhood, yet it is difficult to know how and when to correct this, as clinicians regard low-moderate amounts of hyperopia relatively benign in the absence of strabismus. The question of when hyperopia requires correction is based on a clinician’s philosophy rather than a robust evidence base.
Hyperopia could impact negatively on reading and near work, and so it is important to understand the educational consequences of not correcting this refractive error.
Our group are investigating accommodation in hyperopia, and the sustained profile of accommodation (focussing) efforts for a reading task on a portable screen.
Vision and Driving
Dr Little led an European consensus panel publishing a report on Vision and driving in 2016 for the European Council of Optometry and Optics.
A new study will investigate whether we can harness better visual function measures for older drivers.
Rugby Goggles
We are currently involved in a Trial investigating the wearability and use of a novel sports goggle for rugby players, supported by World Rugby Limited.
Eye Tracking
Our group have the capacity to investigate eye movements and visual performance using high resolution eye trackers.