What is myopia?
Myopia is commonly known as “short-sightedness” and causes distant objects to appear blurry.
This happens when the eye grows too long (front to back), so light does not focus accurately on the retina.
Myopia tends to increase during school years as the eye continues to grow. This results in the need for stronger glass or contact lens prescriptions.
Myopia can affect a child’s self-image and it may impact a child’s ability to participate in sports.
Having myopic parents puts a child at greater risk for developing myopia during the school years.
Ulster University is a participant in The Childhood Atropine for Myopia Progression (CHAMP) Study.
What is the CHAMP study?
The purpose of this study is to see if a study eye drop called atropine can slow the progression of myopia in children.
Two different doses of atropine is being compared to a placebo eye drop which contains no active medication.
The study will determine how well atropine eye drops work, while also checking its safety.
The results of this study may help children with short-sightedness in the future.
Children participating in this study play an important part of the effort to learn more about myopia and how to slow down the myopic progression that usually happens in childhood.
The study eye drop has not been approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or MHRA in the UK and is considered “investigational.”
Why are we investigating an alternative to myopia correction?
- Children often become frustrated with myopia correction
- Replacing outdated prescriptions with new glasses and contact lenses is costly
- Frequent eye visits are necessary
How can I find out more information on the CHAMP study?
Recruitment for the CHAMP study at Ulster University has now closed, however, if you would like more information on the study, or are interested in future myopia research studies, please contact one of the CHAMP team members using the information below.