If you are ready to step back into the world of education, decided to make a change to your current career path or taking on a new challenge, make the most of student life, whatever stage you're at.
It takes time!
Don’t pressure yourself to have it all sussed from week one; you’ll soon get into the swing of prioritising tasks and settle in to your routine.
Being organised from the start of each semester will help with juggling life and uni; identify the best time and environment for you to study and plan around then.
Strike a balance
You might have a number of commitments as well as your studies: children, a partner, a job or pets! Make sure you keep a balance and allow time for you to keep being you!
Get sociable
Don’t hold back from societies or events; we have societies and social activities for all interests, from dance, music, sport, politics to animation, film, horticulture and gaming. We also have a mature student society on some campuses (with others hoping to start), with options of quiz nights, live music or even just catching up over coffee.
Age is literally just a number and, for the record, no one actually cares! You might just find what you’re looking for in one of the many societies available to join across our campuses.
Check out the full range of societies and connect with your Ulster University community.
Look for support
There are lots of people you can ask for advice and help: Connect with your lecturers, subject librarians and fellow students.
In addition there are lots of support channels at Ulster University through:
Stefanie's Story
Stefanie took the leap back to education. Here's her story.