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Personal safety
There are some simple things you can do to protect yourself, whatever the situation.
- Stay in bright, well-lit and busy areas
- Look and act confidently
- Get a personal attack alarm. They are available from UUSU or Chris and Michael in the ‘StreetBeat’ Team. Just email and

Bag Safety and Valuables
We all care about our personal property but, remember, your personal safety is always more important. If you feel in danger, then let your valuables go.
- Carry your bag close to you with the clasp facing inwards
- If possible, carry your things in a small bag across your body, under your outer coat
- Spread your valuables around. For example, carry your house keys in your pocket, your phone in your bag and your money in your jacket
- Most Importantly try not to advertise your valuables, mobile phone, laptop, music player, jewellery, watches

Being Followed
On the first sign that you are being followed, get to a safe location and call for help - never take chances with your safety.
- You can check if someone is following you by crossing the street – more than once, if necessary
- Go to the nearest busy place or well-lit area and call the police on 999
- Avoid using an enclosed telephone box, as you could be trapped inside
- If you are in immediate danger and there are other people about, call out for help
“Is Angela about tonight?” Code for: I need your help. Protect yourself while socialising by asking for “Angela”
Is Angela about tonight?