Dr Ian Miller

Senior Lecturer in History

School of Arts & Humanities

Coleraine campus

Room I028,
Cromore Road,
Co. Londonderry,
BT52 1SA,

Arts and Humanities Research

Senior Lecturer in History

Dr Ian Miller


Ian Miller is Lecturer in Medical History at Ulster University, Northern Ireland. Ian is author of six medical history books on topics including the force-feeding of hunger strikers, how the Irish diet changed (mostly for the worse) after the Irish Famine and the surprisingly interesting history of the Victorian stomach. Ian is PI on the AHRC/DfE-funded project, Epidemic Belfast, a 25 episode podcast and learning resource on Belfast's under-explored medical history.

Ian regularly attracts major funding. He is currently funded PI on:

  • (Co-PI) (253k) Challenging Health Outcomes/Integrating Care Environments: A Community Consortium To Tackle Health Disparities For People Living with Mental Illness (AHRC PI: Gerard Leavey, UU, School of Psychology).
  • (PI) Engaging Local Belfast Communities in Medical History and Heritage (Ulster University/AHRC Impact Acceleration).
  • (PI) ‘Feeding Children? Food Poverty across Ireland: Historical, Current and Future Perspectives' (Ulster University/AHRC Impact Acceleration).

Ian has held visiting fellowships at the Max Planck Centre for the History of Emotions (Berlin), INSERM (Paris) and Institute for General Practice and Community Medicine (Oslo). In 2022, Ian was Visiting Research Fellow at HEX (Academy of Finland Centre of Excellence in the History of Experiences), University of Tampere.

Ian's work has featured in Guardian, Independent, London Review of Books, New Yorker, Sunday Times, Sunday Post, Irish Times, Times Literary Supplement among many others. Ian has appeared on a number of BBC and RTÉ stations.

Ian is Book Review Editor for the journal Social History of Medicine, Senior Fellow of HEA, and appointed member of Royal Irish Academy (Historical Studies), AHRC Peer Review College member, Irish Research Council Board (postgraduate and postdoctoral) and Wellcome Trust Discovery Research Funding Committee.