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Resources for PhD Supervisors

Epigeum Online Training

All Supervisors have access to online training provision for PhD Supervision (‘Supervision Skills’), available on Blackboard Learn.

This course is set up so that you can self-enrol.


Through our institutional subscription, we also have access to the Vitae resources on supervision.

Please note you must register using your Ulster email address in order to access these, and indeed other, resources on the Vitae website.


Hugh Kearns' website with free resources and downloadable templates.

Book by Hugh Kearns and John Finn on 'Supervising PhD Students: A Practical Guide and Toolkit' (2018) - a copy is distributed at PhD Supervision Training events.

Further Reading

Giving Effective Feedback: Coaching versus Telling

THE GROW model (Whitmore and Gallwey, 1980s)

Questions to use to help your PhD researcher to GROW

G:  What do you want to achieve? What difference do you want to   make? Why is it important to you?

R: What support do you need? What’s stopping your progress? What progress have you made?

O: What alternatives did you consider? What’s working well? What’s not working well? What are the consequences of…?

W: What do you need to do next? What option will you choose? How will you know when you have succeeded?

Student Wellbeing

The University's Student Wellbeing department has provided resources in the UU Staff Sharepoint site, to help staff support distressed postgraduate researchers and students:

If you are concerned about a postgraduate researcher’s wellbeing please consult with the Student Wellbeing team in the first instance.