Page content

Our supervisors provide the primary source of support for our PhD researchers and this relationship will be critical in ensuring a positive PhD researcher experience and timely completion.  These pages aim to provide supervisors with resources and guidance to facilitate the development of a successful PhD Researcher/Supervisor relationship.

As the Doctoral College revises and strengthens the consistency of processes, supervisors need to be able to readily identify their roles and responsibilities in contributing to the relevant stages of the PhD researcher's journey from application to graduation.

In this section

Supervisor responsibilities in the PhD Researcher's Journey image

Supervisor responsibilities in the PhD Researcher's Journey

Detailing key supervisory responsibilities at each stage in the PhD Researcher's journey.

PhD Researcher/ Supervisor Relationship image

PhD Researcher/ Supervisor Relationship

Key to the success of the PhD project will be the PhD Researcher/Supervisor relationship.

Resources image


Resources for PhD Supervisors.

Who can be a supervisor? image

Who can be a supervisor?

update to point 10

Arranging a Final Viva Voce Examination image

Arranging a Final Viva Voce Examination

Information for Supervisors who are arranging the examinations for their Researchers including detailed guidance on the format of the viva and how to use PhD Manager.

Managing inadequate progress image

Managing inadequate progress

Whether a PhD researcher is DfE or university funded, funded by a research grant or self-funding, supervisors are obliged to assess progress on an ongoing basis.