About the programme

About the programme

The Researcher Development Programme (RDP) offers a range of face to face workshops, online training and associated activities designed to enhance and support your professional and research skills training.

About Programme Download Handbook

Research Culture

Festival of PhD Research image

Festival of PhD Research

Annual showcase and celebration of excellence in PhD Research.

3 Minute Thesis (3MT®) image

3 Minute Thesis (3MT®)

3MT® is an academic competition that challenges PhD Researchers to describe their research and its significance, in non-specialist language to...

Shut Up and Write image

Shut Up and Write

Weekly focused writing sessions for PhD Researchers - in the Docs every Tuesday 10am. All welcome!

PhD Researcher-led Initiatives image

PhD Researcher-led Initiatives

Encouraging participation, creativity and leadership among our PhD Researcher community – with the intention of enhancing and complementing the Researcher...