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The Ulster University Doctoral College has developed this guide to help research students (MPhil, Doctor of Medicine, PhD Researchers etc) and their supervisors navigate the various administrative stages of a research degree and to clarify who is responsible for doing what at each stage. Your faculties may also provide additional handbooks and guidance notes on matters relating to your specific research area.

You should be aware that this guide and the related links contain the terms and conditions of your registration.

A general University-wide student guide has also been prepared and this should be referred to for general information and University wide policies.

The information provided in these pages is correct at the time of going to press. The University reserves the right to make changes to procedures at any time, before or after a candidate's admission. As much notice as possible will be given of such changes.

Subject level handbooks and contact details for Research Directors, Postgraduate Tutors and Admin Support are also available.

View handbooks and contacts

In this section

Supporting your studies image

Supporting your studies

Get information on the support available during your studies.

The PhD Journey - key milestones image

The PhD Journey - key milestones

During your research journey, there are a number of key milestones which you will be expected to achieve within specific timeframes. This table provides you of an overview of what is expected of you.

Making Changes  image

Making Changes

From time to time, you may need to make changes to your programme or inform us of changes to your personal details.

Online interviews and data collection image

Online interviews and data collection

Information for online interview participants.

Regulatory aspects of your studies image

Regulatory aspects of your studies

Information and resources detailing the regulatory aspects of your studies.