Professional and research integrity are essential when working and studying at university.
Scholarly activities must be conducted with honesty, transparency, and adherence to ethical standards.
Students are expected to uphold the value of integrity.
Further information is included in this section.
Research Governance
Ulster University requires the highest level of professionalism from staff and students.
It is your responsibility to be aware of the framework of policies and procedures at Ulster University.
Research Integrity Training
It is advisable that you complete the Research Integrity training course, which you will find on BlackBoard, before designing your research and applying for ethical approval.
You can access the training by following these steps:
Step 1. Sign in to the Portal
Step 2. Select Blackboard
Step 3. Select courses
Step 4. Search for the Research Integrity training course (taught option)
Step 5. Select the drop down for the taught research integrity course
Step 6. Select enroll
It is often a mandatory requirement of the ethic committee to have completed this before gaining ethical approval for your research.
Understand Plagiarism and the Implications of Academic Misconduct
It is your responsibility to be aware of the policies and procedures surrounding plagiarism.
Further information is available and cheating and plagiarism.
Guidance on Completing an Ethics Application
Depending on the category of risk that applies to your research, there are different levels of ethical approval.
Some postgraduate taught research studies will be approved by submitting paper work (RG1a) to the course team.
Other research studies may require approval from Ulster University Filter Committee or Ulster Research Ethics Committee (UREC). For further information on levels of risk, data protection and GDPR, and application submission dates go to ethics for applicants.
Your research supervisor will advise you on the type of ethical approval you are required to obtain.
Ulster University Research Ethics Committees
Depending on your research area, ethical considerations may need to be detailed in your research proposal and ethics applications (if applicable).
The University provide guidance on the various categories of risk when conducting research and further information is available.
Acceptable use of generative artificial intelligence
In an era of rapidly advancing technology, the use of artificial intelligence (AI) tools in academic settings presents both opportunities and challenges. While these tools can enhance learning and productivity, it is crucial for students to maintain their academic integrity.
Students are expected to be transparent about their use of AI, properly cite any use of AI in the assignment bibliography, and ensure that their work primarily reflects their own understanding and skills.
The university has developed guidance for students on responsible use of AI tools, which can be accessed here.