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As part of the School of Applied Social & Policy Sciences, the Centre for Public Administration is dedicated to research excellence in the areas of public governance, policy and professional practice.

The Centre advances interdisciplinary and applied research, which combines practice with academic research. The work of the Centre aims to support policymakers and the practitioners of public administration.

These aims are driven by our commitment to research excellence and high-quality impact, delivered through strategically oriented research focus.

The focus of our research is defined through the following themes:

  • The Administration of Health and Social Care
  • Public Administration in Contested Societies
  • Public Administration in Multi-Ethnic Regimes
  • Policy Evaluation
  • NGO – Civil Service Relations
  • Education in Contested Societies (in close collaboration with the UNESCO Centre)
  • Language Policy
  • Comparative language policy studies


If you would like to contact us about any of the above email

In this section

Brexit image


The Centre is exploring the potential implications of Brexit on policy, public administration and delivery of services

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Public Administration in Contested Societies

This project examines the ways in which conflict is managed and what are the most promising avenues of effective public administration in contested societies

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Public Administration in Multi-Ethnic Regimes

As part of our global outreach, the British Academy has funded this project to research reform in public administration and provisions of services in Kazakhstan

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Education in Contested Societies

This research looks at educational policy and administration in societies affected by conflict

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Public Value in Forensic Services

The focus of this project is on the public value forensic services offer to the criminal justice system in Northern Ireland

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Language Policy

Dr Michele Gazzola is leading the research on institutional bilingualism and managing multilingualism in public administration.

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REAL Group

A research group dedicated to language-related policy issues including language dynamics, language policy evaluation, economics of language, and language rights.

Gender, decision-making and the civil service image

Gender, decision-making and the civil service

The case study of the Northern Ireland Senior Civil Service explores the implications of bureaucratic transitions for gender equality in post-conflict societies

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Civil Society in Central Asia

This project focuses on changing administrative practices and behaviours of civil servants in Central Asian countries