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Given our location in Northern Ireland, the Centre has a particular focus on the role of the public sector in managing conflict. While differing mechanisms of managing ethno-national or ethno-linguistic tensions exist, few studies advance our understanding of how conflicts are actually managed – in other words, the study of ethnic peace. The Centre draws on the experiences from multiple global ethno-political conflicts to shed light on the role of the public sector in managing conflict.

Jerusalem - Together with colleagues from King’s College London, Exeter University and Ben Gurion University, the Centre has received funding to examine the narratives delivered in different School types in East Jerusalem. This research is to be published by Administration and Society in 2019.

Brussels - The Centre works closely with BRiO, in Brussels to examine language as the basis for contestation within a society. We have jointly written an article that begins to explore the emergence of…(ARTICLE)

Northern Ireland - While there is extensive literature available on the role of the politician in the conflict management process much less attention is paid to the role of the bureaucrat. At the Centre, we aim to rectify this imbalance, focusing primarily on the role of the bureaucrat in the conflict management process. We have published extensively on the role of the elite level bureaucrat in maintaining power-sharing regimes.