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This longitudinal project aims to examine and monitor risk and protective factors for mental health problems and wellbeing in the student population at Ulster University, collaborating with colleagues in universities participating in the WHO Mental Health International College Student Project (WMH-ICS).

The study involves the collection of saliva/DNA samples and aims to examine genetic and other biological factors affecting mental health disorders and treatment efficacy. A method of screening for psychopathology and suicidality will be developed and predictors and barriers to help seeking during a student’s time at university will be explored.

Funder:  This work is supported by a grant awarded to Professor Tony Bjourson from European Union Regional Development Fund (ERDF) EU Sustainable Competitiveness Programme for Northern Ireland; Northern Ireland Public Health Agency (HSC R&D) and Ulster University.

Academic Partner: Northern Ireland Centre for Stratified Medicine.

External Academic Collaborators:  The WHO Mental Health International College Student Project (WMH-ICS), Harvard University. Broad Institute.

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