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This section provides detail information on each identified study in the review. You may wish to search this table to find studies that assess interventions. You can search the content using a number of different key pieces of information, these are listed below.

Key information

Research method: Randomised control trial (the most rigorous method in intervention studies) or quasi-experimental study (a less rigorous approach).

Study title: The published title of the study

Research method: Randomised control trial (the most rigorous method in intervention studies) or quasi-experimental study (a less rigorous approach)

Note: To search on this criteria type in the research method you would like the studies you look at to have used, type either RCT or quasi-experimental into the search box.

General focus of the study: Through this review we identified studies that focused on nine broad themes.

Note: To search on this criteria type in the area you would like to find out more about in the search box:

Author(s) and publication year: Study authors and year of publication

Note: To search on this criteria type in a surname of an author that you know or the year when a study was published (between 2000 and 2017) in the search box.

Age group:Age of children involved in the study

Note: To search on this criteria type in an age (in digits) into the search box.

Summary of intervention: Details of the type of activity of teaching practice that was assessed in the study

Country: The country in which the study took place.

Note: To search on this criteria type in a country that you would like to see research from into the search box.

Intensity: Details on how long and often the intervention was applied

Outcome measure(s):The type of assessment tool(s) used to measure any impact of the intervention

Outcome(s):The evidence of any effect of the study in relation to the outcome measure(s)

Intervention resource requirement(s)Details of any resources needed to apply the intervention (e.g. training, software, etc)

You can search the information on the following criteria: research method, general focus of the study, authors and publication year, age group and country.