A University of Ulster conference is to focus on the need for suitable housing for ex-offenders to help prevent them from returning to crime.
Criminal justice and housing experts will gather at the Jordanstown campus tomorrow (Friday May 18) to discuss a range of housing options and support mechanisms to help reduce the risk of them committing a further offence.
Government research carried out by the National Audit Office (2010) shows that there is a link between homelessness, offending and re-offending.
Speakers at the conference entitled “Homelessness Prevention and Meeting Housing Need for Ex-offenders” will share ideas and thoughts on drawing up a strategic approach to suitable housing options.
The event is being organised by Peter Shanks, a Lecturer in Housing at Ulster, who explained that a lack of suitable accommodation can be detrimental to the successful reintegration of ex-offenders back into the community.
Mr Shanks said: “Links between homelessness and offending are well established and suitable housing has been identified as one of the key factors that can reduce re-offending.
“It’s recognised that suitable and secure accommodation is the main pathway for the resettlement and reintegration of ex-prisoners and ex-offenders back into the community.
“Despite the considerable involvement of housing advice agencies and voluntary sector organisations– in terms of offering advice and support–gaining access to secure and stable housing remains a key challenge.”
“Temporary accommodation is not always conducive to long term resettlement”
Mr Shanks spoke of how collaborative working across the public, private and voluntary sectors must be encouraged to develop.
“There are still a number of barriers to effective housing provision, especially securing medium and long-term accommodation,” he explained.
“This is largely due to a lack of available housing stock and difficulties arising for some ex-offenders in trying to access private sector accommodation.”
Paddy Gray, Professor of Housing at Ulster, explained that re-offending behaviour among people experiencing homelessness is often connected with support needs.
“Research has shown that to avoid repeat offending and continued housing issues, the accommodation needs of ex-prisoners must be addressed along with wider resettlement needs, including mental health, substance misuse, education, training and employment,” he said.
“Ex-offenders face a variety of challenges on leaving prison, especially if they did not have stable housing prior to starting their sentence.”
“Co-ordination between the Prison Service, the Probation Board, the Northern Ireland Housing Executive, independent housing advice agencies and other voluntary and community sector organisations is critical in ensuring that ex-offenders are given the necessary housing and support services when released.”
Notes to Editors:
Speakers at tomorrow’s conference, which includes a broad range of delegates from the private, public and voluntary sectors, include:
Brian Grzmek, Deputy Director Reducing Offending –Department of Justice
Paul Thompson, Co-ordinator of Approved Accommodation and Manager of the Public Protection Team – Probation Board for Northern Ireland
Maurice Rooney, Principal Officer (Housing Policy) – Northern Ireland Housing Executive
Pat Conway, Director of Operations – Northern Ireland Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders
Liz Cuddy, Chief Executive – Extern
Paula Quigley, Programme Co-ordinator – Smartmove Northern Ireland
Peter McMahon, Project Manager – Housing Rights Service
Lindsay Conway OBE, Director of Social Service – Presbyterian Social Witness
The conference takes place in the Loughview Suite at the University of Ulster’s Jordanstown campus from 9am until 1pm.