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Students from the University of Ulster are celebrating the end of their studies with an exhibition at Flowerfield Arts Centre in Portstewart.

The End of Year Show gives final year students from the School of Media, Film and Journalism the opportunity to showcase their final production work.

The exhibition will be formally opened on Tuesday, 31 May, by Peter Johnston, Director of BBC NI, and will be open to the public from 1-6 June. 

The display will include works in photography, video and sound, all produced by students undertaking BA Honours degrees in Media Studies and Production, Interactive Media Arts and Photo Imaging.

Among the many exhibits on display, the University’s Science Shop projects, in particular, show how the School is engaged with the wider community.

These exhibits cover: 
development and illustration of two children’s books exploring friendship and healthy eating for ‘key stage one’ children, in partnership with the Belfast Giants Community Foundation; development of an interactive website for the Boys Brigade, highlighting activities at the Ganaway Centre; design of publicity materials and a website for a bereaved by suicide support group in Derry city;
design of materials engaging disaffected young people who have suffered a loss and who need support in Derry city; development a new web site for the University of Ulster Students Union.