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Professor Liam Kelly has been elected Vice-President of the International Association of Art Critics (AICA, Paris) at its annual congress.

As part of his work for the AICA, he has been invited to chair their commission on ‘Freedom of Expression’.

Since 1980 he has been an active member of AICA and regularly presented papers at their annual international congresses.

Professor Kelly has also served as a member of the association's  Administrative Council (1984) and as International Vice-President for three terms previously (1987-1990;1996-1999; 2002-2005 ).

He was also elected as International General Treasurer (1990- 1999) and acted as President of the Irish Section of AICA from 1990 to 1998

In 1997 he  organised in Derry and Belfast the AICA Annual Congress on  ‘Art and Centres of Conflict – Outer and Inner Realities’, funded for by the Arts Council of N. Ireland, Belfast City Council, and Derry City Council, and the the Community Relations Council.

One hundred and forty delegates attended the congress from all parts of the world - North and South America, Europe, Middle and Far East, Africa, CIS, UK and Ireland. The congress was the largest of its kind held in N. Ireland.

The proceedings have been published with part funding by University of Ulster. In 1994, as President of AlCA (Ireland) he also organised an international symposium in Dublin as a contribution to Dublin as European Capital of Culture.

The papers and art projects presented at the symposium were published in the book 'The City as Art -Interrogating the Polis', funded by UNESCO.
