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12th European Conference on Solar Chemistry and Photocatalysis: Energy and Environmental Applications

On behalf of the Organizing and Scientific Committees, it is our great pleasure to welcome you to the 12th European Conference on Solar Chemistry and Photocatalysis: Energy and Environmental Applications (SPEA), to be held Belfast, United Kingdom, from 17 to 21 June 2024.

Through plenary and keynote lectures, oral presentations, poster talks and poster sessions, the ambition of the four-day SPEA12 conference is to report on the most advanced research progresses in environmental photocatalysis and photochemistry, and to pave the way for future research and challenges.

Launched in 2000 and 2002 in Saint-Avold, France, the European meeting series SPEA progressively gained over the last 16 years its renown among the most relevant meetings in solar chemistry and photocatalysis by travelling around Europe. Hosted in Barcelona (2004), Gran Canaria (2006), Palermo (2008), Prague (2010), Oporto (2012), Thessaloniki (2014), Strasbourg (2016), Almeria (2018), Turin (2022), SPEA12 will take place in Belfast in 2024.

SPEA12 will cover research fields as varied as water and air treatment/disinfection, novel materials and processes for solar photocatalysis, environmental photochemistry, hydrogen production and carbon dioxide utilization, functionalized surfaces, modelling and mechanistic studies, commercial applications and standardization, whether the research approach is fundamental or applied.

We truly hope that the SPEA12 program will reflect the high commitment and exceptional profile of the international community working in this field, and selected papers will be published in high impact factor journals following the SPEA meeting.

Further information will follow on the website concerning key dates, travel advice, accommodation, social programme and touristic activities.

We are very much looking forward to welcome you to our beautiful city of Belfast!

On behalf of the Organizing and Scientific Committees,
Tony Byrne, SPEA12 chair
Pilar Fernandez-Ibanez, OC

Event info

This event has ended

Monday 17 June to Friday 21 June

Photography and Video at event