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Researcher Guidance

If your registration lapsed, or you withdrew from your studies, you may apply to be re-admitted to complete your programme.

To do this, you must apply for re-admission in writing (an email is acceptable), your application should be sent to the Doctoral College ( and must include:

  • Your name, date of birth, year of withdrawal and previous supervisory team details
  • Details of the situation which led to your withdrawal, including medical evidence where appropriate. Should the reasons for withdrawal be medical you should also provide a doctor’s certificate indicating your fitness to return to your studies.
  • A detailed report on the progress of the thesis to date (minimum 1000 words), including an estimated timeline for completion

Re-admission can take two forms, either short-term re-admission to allow submission (less than 1 year) or re-admission onto the regular programme (up to 3 or 6 years depending on mode of study)

Short-term re-admission comes with a fee of £2,360 and longer-term admission incurs normal yearly fees.