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The Northern Ireland Veterans’ Health and Wellbeing Study (NIVHWS) is a major large scale tri-service (Navy, Army, RAF) research project.

Through a series of multi-modal work packages, this study will provide an evidence base on the current and future support needs of the veterans of Northern Ireland, and support the development of future policy and services. The aims of the study are as follows:

  • Determine the size and location of the veteran community in Northern Ireland;
  • Identify the current and future needs of ex-military personnel residing in NI;
  • Review service availability for those in the veteran community;
  • Examine the mental health needs of veterans; understanding for example coping styles and  help-seeking abilities;
  • Increase the general awareness of service availability amongst the veteran population; and
  • Make recommendations where necessary to improve access to more tailored support and  guidance.

Funder: The Big Lottery Fund and Forces in Mind Trust (until 2019)

Non-academic partners: UDR/R-IRISH Aftercare Service, Reserve Forces and Cadets Association Northern Ireland
