Current research projects
Evaluating the Effects of Community Treatment Orders (CTOs) in England Using the Mental Health Minimum Dataset
RRG member: Dr Orla McBride
Funding: National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) Health Services and Delivery Research (HS&DR) Programme (HS&DR), 24 months (£377K), commenced March 2016
Collaborators: University of Warwick, University of Portsmouth, University of Southampton, Barts & The London Queen Mary's School of Medicine & Dentistry, Newcastle University and the Mental Health Foundation.
Prevalence and variation in antidepressant prescribing across Northern Ireland: a longitudinal administrative data linkage study for targeted support
RRG members: Professor Mark Shevlin, Dr Jamie Murphy, Dr Michael Rosato
Funding: Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRC) Secondary Data Analysis Initiative (SDAI). 18 months (£132K), commencing July 2016
Collaborators: AWARE, Dr Daniel Boduszek (University of Huddersfield)
Brief summary: This project aims to use data-linkage techniques to develop the most comprehensive population-based estimates of the prevalence of antidepressant prescribing in Northern Ireland. Furthermore the association of personal, social, and economic factors with antidepressant prescribing will be examined by linking prescribing records (Enhanced Prescribing Database) with data from the 2001/11 Censuses. The project's non-academic partner, AWARE, aims to use this information to implement effective and coordinated intervention programs.
Peacewalls in Northern Ireland: Developing Baseline Indicators
RRG member: Dr Michael Rosato
Collaborators: Department of Justice
Statistical Training
Training Workshops on Modelling Mechanisms of Change Using Longitudinal Archived Data
RRG members: Professor Mark Shevlin, Professor Gary Adamson
Funding: Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), £28K, 2015-2018
Training in latent variable modelling based on archived social science datasets in Northern Ireland
RRG members: Professor Mark Shevlin, Professor Gary Adamson
Collaborator: Dr Patrick McCrystal (deceased), Queen's University Belfast
Funding: Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRC) Researcher Development Initiative, £61K, 2010-2013