Dr Michael Rosato
Michael Rosato is a Senior Research Fellow in the Bamford Centre for Mental Health and Wellbeing. He has an honours degree in Sociology and Government (Brunel University), post-graduate qualifications in Computer Science and Medical Demography, and a PhD in Epidemiology. He has worked mainly in epidemiological settings (in London, France and Belfast) – initially in a computing capacity, then systems analysis, study management and research. In the early 1990s he spent three years with the International Agency for Research on Cancer (WHO) – in Lyons, France – working mainly on a multi-centric case-control study of Human papilloma virus and cervical cancer. In the UK he has mostly worked with large, complex data linkage studies such as the ongoing longitudinal studies of England & Wales (ONS) and Northern Ireland (NISRA). In this latter capacity he worked in Research Support, managed research access, and participated in ongoing research. Since joining the Bamford Centre he has spent time developing research projects within the ESRC-funded Administrative Data Research initiative, and is also working on a number of ADRC projects. Current research interests include: mental health and wellbeing – using both specific dedicated datasets, and the more generically defined Longitudinal Studies; health outcomes of ethnic minority populations (in E&W and in the wider European setting); chronic disease epidemiology and health inequalities.