The main interest of research group lies in research topics that have a social framework with exploration of Architecture as a Social Art
The University of Ulster Architecture research group is located in the School of Architecture & Design and lead by the Head of School, Professor Hisham Elkadi. The excellent research environment builds on the previous success in the two disciplines in Arts and Design and the Architecture & the Built Environment. Both disciplines scored the highest score of 5 in the last UK Research Assessment Exercise. Such success provided a good support to the intended multi-disciplinary research on Architecture Research of Tensioned Societies (ARTS)
ARTS (Architecture Research in Tensioned Societies)
The main interest of research group lies in research topics that have a social framework with exploration of Architecture as a Social Art. Despite varied research backgrounds, the groups has agreed that a theme of 'Architecture Research in Tensioned Societies' reflects all research interests. The topic is thought to address a niche that can also complement efforts at the University of Ulster to build expertise in this area.
The existing strong links between the school and the research community in the North and South of Ireland facilitates and supports collaboration with our SUSDIV partners. Several applications were recently submitted for development of community-based projects and exhibitions. The successful funded projects, particularly Building Initiative (30K), EU CRC projects (60K), and EU FP6 Network of Excellence have led to further community related initiatives such as Positively Architecture (20K) programme funded by the Art Council and Understanding Heritage (30K) funded jointly by the CEO and ACNI.
The excellent groups of researchers in the school provide an invaluable resource for advice and support. Efforts have been made to explore potential research collaboration within the Faculty of ADBE and beyond. The interdisciplinary research group include Mr. Mike McQueen, Dr Jenny Millar (Architecture), Dr Mia Lerm Hayes (Art & Design), Dr Karen McPhillips (Built Environment), Dr Suzanna Chan (Art & Design).
During 2007, Prof. Elkadi led the UU research team to contribute to the SUSDIV (NoE) research task 8 (Cultural Dialogue through art: diversity in the cultural arena) through a variety of mechanisms. This included publications, research programmes under the cultural dialogue structure, conference presentations, and joint research workshops. This year we will concentrate on the theme of festivals and explore Belfast as a festival city.
The group has also developed excellent international contacts and secured funds from various sources. The established international reputation has led to a series of links and funded projects in 2007.