CHSNI: Simpson, Giles, Dunwoody, McLaughlin, McDowell et al. Using the Theory of Planned Behaviour to determine attitudes and knowledge of e-cigarette use in a sample of Northern Irish young people (11-16yrs) and their parents. £116,453.00.
ESRC/BBSRC: Walsh, Cassidy, T. & McLaughlin, M. et al. EpiFASSTT: Epigenetic effects on children's psychosocial development in a randomised trial of folic acid supplementation in second and third trimester. £499,427.01.
NIHR: Tully, M., Simpson, E.E.A. et al. "Walk with me". £291,866.40.
Alpro Foundation: Magee, P., Simpson, E.E.A., McSorley, E., McCormack, J. et al. Effect of soya foods on cognitive function and menopausal symptoms in postmenopausal women. €99,989.
Marie Currie Doctoral funding: McDowell, Leslie, Simpson et al. Assisting people with intellectual disabilities to self-manage healthy lifestyle choices. €295,154.
Public Health Agency NI, Enabling Research Awards Scheme: Dr D. S. Gibson, Professor J. McLaughlin, Dr J. Magee, Dr E.E.A. Simpson, Dr L Dunwoody. Remote Arthritis Disease Activity monitoR (RADAR 1), 2015, £39,794.
European Union's Horizon 2020 research programme: Prof H Wang, Prof B Scotney, Dr J Winder, Dr Z Lin, Prof P Morrow, Prof M Stringer, Dr L Dunwoody. Decision Support and Information Management System for Breast Cancer (DESIREE) project (awarded €550,000 as part of a €3.3 million) aiming to transform the decision-making process for doctors in diagnosing and treating breast cancer.
Nuffield Foundation: Interventions to improve mathematical achievement in primary school-aged children: A Systematic Review £62,024
British Academy: The influence of domain general abilities on number development in Williams syndrome and Down syndrome: evidence from eye tracking. £9,897
ESRC Social Science Festival Public Engagement Fund £200
Action Medical Research: Mathematics learning disabilities from childhood to adolescence: New evidence and intervention for very preterm children £217,490