UCoM aims to provide a local service to share current research on multilingualism with families and professionals in Northern Ireland.
If you would like us to come and give a talk in your school/community centre contact us at ucom@ulster.ac.uk
7th November 2014
Bilingually Speaking
A drop-in, interactive event for all
Belfast Central Library
5th November 2014
Knowledge Exchange Seminar Series: Language Made Fun – Supporting disadvantaged children in their English language development
Long Gallery, Parliament Buildings, Stormont
4 November 2014
IRiSS Annual Lecture: Dr Laura Petitto
How the brain of the baby discovers Language
Conor Lecture Theatre, Belfast campus
31st March 2014
UCoM hosted a Roundtable event with external collaborators to prepare a response to OFMDFM's consultation on Delivering Social Change for Children and Young People.
22nd February 2014
“Linguistic diversity in the L’derry area”: talk for the Northern Ireland Council for Ethnic Minorities at their celebration of the International Mother Language Day
28th February 2014
“Acquiring Irish through Irish medium education”: Talk at CPD event Best Practice in the Teaching of Other Languages through the Medium of Irish (St. Catherine’s Secondary School, Armagh).
Talk for parents at the Meeting of the British Association of Adoption & Fostering (date tbc).
Past events hosted or attended by UCoM are listed here. For more details or photographs from the event, click on the relevant date.
22nd November 2013
Keynote talk 'The Role of Irish-Medium Education in the Development of Multilingualism' at the Gaelscoileanna Teo 40th Anniversary Conference, Johnstown, Co Meath,
9th November 2013
Talk for the Surestart Multicultural Breakfast Club at the Wishing Well Family Centre, North Belfast.
22nd May 2013
Keynote talk 'Promoting bilingualism through immersion education' at An Chomhairle um Oideachas Gaeltachta agus Gaelscolaiochta conference, Dublin
20th May 2013
Presentation for the Southern Trust Speech and Language Therapists' Study Day in Southern Health and Social Care Trust Headquarters, Tower Hill, Armagh
9-10th May 2013
Visit to UCoM of Dr. Joyce Milambiling, University of Northern Iowa
6th April 2013
Keynote presentation at the IASLT Student Conference, Limerick
23 March 2013
Keynote talk 'Promoting bilingualism through Irish medium education' at the Comhairle Gaelscoilaiochta Conferencence, Belfast.
15th March 2013
“Tackling Discrimination: a linguistic perspective”
An interactive workshop for the ‘North Belfast Respect Programme 2013’ organised by Ashton Community Trust and funded by the Office of First Minister and Deputy First Minister (OFMDFM) through the North Belfast Strategic Good Relations Programme and Belfast City Council Good Relations Unit though the European Union Peace III Programme.
15th March, 2013
“The bilingual advantage and Irish-medium Education”
Keynote presentation and UCoM presentation at the Comhairle na Gaelscolaíochta’s 12th Annual Conference, Coláiste Feirste, Belfast http://www.comhairle.org/english/2013/03/irish-medium-sector-celebrates-comhairle-na-gaelscolaiochta's-12th-annual-conference/
31st January, 2013
“Multilingualism in the speech therapy environment”
UCoM presentation to the Bilingualism Special Interest Group Study Day, Antrim Hospital
“Migrant languages in Northern Ireland: Issues, Challenges and Opportunities” Talk at a Practitioners’ Meeting of the British Association of Adoption & Fostering. One Size Fits All? – Participation in a learning exchange roundtable discussion about integrating communities involving NCB NI, Barnado’s, NICRAS, Surestart and other community and voluntary groups. Talk for the Surestart Multicultural Breakfast Club at the Wishing Well Family Centre, North Belfast. Launch of UCoM with Prof Antonella Sorace from Bilingualism Matters as the invited speaker. Prof. Sorace’s talk can be viewed here.14th December 2012
Presentation by Philip McDermott to the Linguistics Research Seminar Series12th December 2012
31st August 2012
24th August 2012
18th June 2012