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From time to time, you may need to make changes to your programme or inform us of changes to your personal details.

Useful Info

  • Change of Address

    If you need to change address details with the University, this should be done through Registry.

    They will then centrally amend your address details on the student records system.

  • Transfer of Mode of Study

    You may wish, at some point during the course of study, to change your mode of attendance from full-time to part-time or vice-versa.

    You should discuss this with your supervisors in the first instance and, if agreed, submit your request by PhD Manager.

    If you are in receipt of a scholarship, the consequences of transfer to part-time study (which may include termination of your funding) should be considered fully prior to any decision being made.

  • Change of Supervisory Arrangements

    For a number of reasons, either you or your Faculty may need to change members of your supervisory team during your period of registration, although given the importance of continuity in the supervisor/researcher relationship, such changes will only be considered under exceptional circumstances.

    If a change is required, the University will endeavour to make sure any adjustments to the team are dealt with swiftly so as to minimise disruption to your studies.

    To request a change, you should liaise with your supervisors and/or your Faculty Administrative support who can initiate the change for you.

  • Modification of programme of work

    During your research study, you may require to make changes to the programme of work approved at the time of registration. Where the project direction has changed substantively, you can notify us of the change on PhD Manager.

    You do not need to do this if the project title changes but the nature of the project remains the same, as it is expected that your project title may undergo refinement throughout the duration of your studies.

  • Studying away from the University?

    If you need to spend a period of time studying away from the University, you should submit your request on PhD Manager, which involves an assessment of risk and will provide the University with details of where you plan to be based.

  • Absences Due to Accident or Illness

    Short-term Absence - maximum of 14 days

    An absence of up to 14 days should be recorded as an ‘Absence’ in the Absence section of PhD Manager.

    Your submission deadline will remain the same and you may continue to receive studentship payments  (where applicable)*.

    Longer-term Absence - more than 14 days and up to one year (for full-time mode)

    An absence of more than 14 days should be recorded as a ‘Leave of Absence’ in the Change Request section of PhD Manager.  You must submit medical evidence in support of a Leave of Absence due to an accident or illness.

    Your submission deadline will be extended by the period of the Leave of Absence. Funded researchers can check their funder's terms and conditions for any entitlements due to an accident or illness (e.g. Department for the Economy (DfE) or Vice-Chancellor’s Research Studentships (VCRS). If you receive a studentship from any other funder you should refer to that funder’s own terms and conditions).

    Following an absence of 13 weeks or more because of an accident or illness, a phased return to study over a four-week period may be possible. You can discuss this possibility with your supervisors prior to returning to your research studies.

    The maximum period for a Leave of Absence is one year and retrospective requests will not be approved.

    For absences for reasons other than an accident or illness, please see the 'Taking a Leave of Absence' section below.

  • Extensions of Time

    If you find that you are unable to submit your thesis by your stated deadline, you may need to apply for an extension of time. Requests to extend must be completed in advance of the submission deadline, as applications for extensions will not be approved retrospectively.

    You may apply initially for a free four month period of extended registration via PhD Manager.  At this stage, your progress will be assessed by your Research Director prior to approving the extension to ensure that there is evidence that a properly prepared plan of work is in place.  If approved, this extension will be authorised by the Research Director and there will be no fee for this initial extension.

    Following this period, you may apply for further periods of extension in three month blocks via PhD Manager. You will be required to provide a detailed summary of progress, a revised plan of work and medical or other evidence in support of your application (particularly if you wish to request a fee waiver under exceptional circumstances).

    These periods of extension require the approval of the Head of the Doctoral College and rates for such extensions can be found under the Miscellaneous sections for the relevant year under the Fees Schedule.

    Please note when on a period of extension full/part-time researchers are treated alike therefore both mode of studies are granted equal extension time i.e 4 months for their first extensions and 3 months thereafter.

    For the purposes of engagement monitoring, Student Visa holders have an allocation of 5 days of annual leave for each period of extension.

  • Review of progress against submission deadline 

    If you require an extension of time, your Faculty will monitor the new anticipated date of submission on PhD Manager, via the Review of Progress, to ensure that appropriate progress is being made during the extension periods.

    The Faculty will arrange a meeting with you and your supervisory team to assess progress.

  • Withdrawal from your programme

    If you are in a situation where your continued study is not possible, you may consider withdrawing your registration. It is recommended that this option is discussed fully with supervisors and/or the relevant Postgraduate Tutor before any decision is made.

    If you decide to withdraw, you should notify us of this via PhD Manager, giving, as far as possible, the reason for withdrawal. As part of this process you are required to undertake an exit interview with the Research Director to ensure that all other options have been exhausted.

    Given that withdrawals are not permitted retrospectively, your last date of attendance will normally be the date of submission of the notification.

    Funded researchers should also be aware that there are likely to be financial implications if they choose to withdraw and should discuss their situation with the Doctoral College.

  • Taking a Leave of Absence

    Periods of absence for reasons other than accident or illness will be considered on a case-by-case basis and should be recorded as a ‘Leave of Absence’ in the Change Request section of PhD Manager.

    The maximum period for a Leave of Absence is one year and retrospective requests will not be approved.

    Requests for a Leave of Absence for employment reasons will not be considered for full-time students.

    If you receive a studentship please note that taking a Leave of Absence may result in your studentship being suspended or terminated.

    If you hold a Student visa for study in the UK you should note that a Leave of Absence which extends the duration of your programme may result in the Home Office curtailing your leave to remain in the UK. In these situations, you must return to your home country and re-apply for a further Student visa once the period of Leave of Absence has ended.