Ulster University has teamed up with technology firm CriticalArc to provide SafeZone, a free new app for students and staff that connects you to the University security team if you ever need urgent help, first aid or if you have an emergency while on campus.
SafeZone allows you to call for help by activating the app on your smartphone to alert security team members to your situation and location so they can coordinate to help you quickly and effectively.
The system is privacy protected, so will never share your location unless you summon assistance or if you use the check-in function designed for those who work alone or out of hours.
Download and install the SafeZone App
By installing the SafeZone app and registering as a user, you will also receive any critical security notifications from the University.

SafeZone on campus
Emergency contacts
On campus: Extension 22222
Off campus: 028 70123456
SafeZone is a free app that connects you to the University security team 24/7 if you ever need urgent help, first aid or if you have an emergency while on campus.