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Meeting rooms on the Belfast Campus are categorised in two ways:

Non-bookable Meeting Rooms

Non-bookable Meeting Rooms are rooms throughout Blocks BC and BD that are not bookable.

Any staff member (and student, depending on the location of the room) can use these rooms to take a call, hold a smaller team meeting or complete some quiet work.

Bookable Meeting Rooms

Bookable Meeting Rooms are identifiable by logging into U-Booker.

They are typically larger conference rooms to accommodate headcounts of 8+, 16+, 24+ and so on.

Booking a Classroom (outside of the published Timetable)

Whilst the Timetables for each Semester are published well in advance of teaching, we understand it is often the case where an ad-hoc booking is required for a classroom.

To book a classroom (outside of the University’s Timetabling process), please contact with details on the size of room required (indicating maximum class headcounts) and any technology requests.