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Following the examination of your thesis and confirmation from your Internal Examiner that any required amendments or corrections have been successfully completed, you should submit the final version of your thesis on PhD Manager, along with completing all the workflows that PhD Manager will prompt both you and your supervisors to complete.  There are detailed step-by-step Guides on each part of the submission process available on PhD Manager.

Please ensure that you name your file appropriately:

[Year][last name][initials][degree].pdf

e.g. 2010BloggsJBPhD.pdf

Please also ensure that the Date Degree Awarded and the date on the title page match – this should be the date on which you are submitting your final copies onto PhD Manager.

PDF conversion software is available on the Student desktop. You may need to submit supplementary files in formats other than PDF, e.g. computer programs, video/audio files etc. Please contact your supervisors and/or the UIR team to discuss how best this can be achieved.

When submitting your final thesis you have the following three options regarding access to your thesis:

Option 1: Obtain any copyright rights if needed and then submit the electronic copy as normal for open access. Ideally you should first see if you can obtain the necessary permissions. See ‘Third party copyright material’ above for more information. We realise obtaining all the rights needed may not always be possible depending on the time available.

Option 2: You can ask to restrict access to your thesis for up to two years by requesting an embargo when you complete the Ulster eThesis Deposit Agreement. Your deposited thesis will be added to the repository on closed access and will be marked as embargoed. It will not be made available in the UIR or via EthOS until the end of the restricted period.

Option 3: If only small parts of your thesis are affected, you could consider providing an additional redacted electronic copy which has the sections of concern edited, removed or redacted. This version can then be made available on open access, without an embargo, enabling you to secure the benefits of open access.