In Nursing and Health Research it is usual that progress assessments (postgraduate seminars) are held in an open forum with PhD Researchers presenting their research to their peers and an audience of academic staff. This provides an opportunity for presentation skill development and learning for all. Postgraduate seminars will occur via a hybrid delivery model of face to face and virtual sessions.
All confirmation seminars will be conducted via a face-to-face seminar.
PhD Researchers will be given 15 minutes to give their presentation, followed by 15 minutes for discussion with your doctoral assessment panel. The chair will guide the process. The focus of the discussion is on helping to critique the proposed research plan and offering helpful suggestions to shape the study. First year PhD Researchers are encouraged to network with second and third year PhD Researchers to advance their knowledge of what is required for seminars.
All PhD Researchers are expected to attend the monthly post-graduate seminars as a learning and networking opportunity.
Doctoral Studies Panel
The seminar/assessment programme for PhD Researchers (three seminars over the programme period) is an important part of PhD Researcher support, progression and quality assurance mechanisms in the School/University. One of the key assets to the effectiveness of the seminars/assessment is the contribution of the assigned doctoral assessors, the quality of the engagement with candidates and the feedback offered.
A key feature here is the continuity of feedback between first, second and third seminars. To ensure that, as far as possible, we provide the best support for your studies, nominating a panel of doctoral assessors, at the outset of your PhD, has been introduced in the Schools of Nursing and Health Research.
What this means is:
- When a doctoral candidate commences their studies with us, they, with their supervisors, will agree 2 assessors who will make up the panel of assessors for the three assessments.
- The assessors are normally:
- Members of academic staff (from within the School/Nursing and Health Research or another School/Faculty in the University).
- In addition, if the PhD Researcher is undertaking clinical/practice-based research, then an additional member of the committee will be appointed, i.e. a senior (expert) professional (e.g. expert nurse, policy analyst, strategic stakeholder etc. as relevant to their area of study). The intention being to ensure the clinical/practice relevance of the research and to enhance opportunities for knowledge/technology transfer.
- Assessors remain independent of the supervisory team thus providing unbiased feedback.
- It will be the role of the supervisors to invite assessors to be part of the assessment panels.
- The role of the panel of assessors is to support the work of the PhD Researcher by:
- Being familiar with the candidate’s work by receiving the candidate’s research proposal when it is agreed with the supervisors.
- Acting as assessors at PhD Researcher postgraduate seminars.
- Postgraduate Seminar dates are planned and published 12 months in advance. All members of staff and PhD Researchers are notified of dates. It is the responsibility of the supervisors and PhD Researcher to notify their panel of assessors of the date they plan to undertake their seminar. Panel assessors require at least three months notice.
Please note that occasionally, due to unexpected circumstances, it may be necessary for a different assessor to replace those nominated by your supervisory team. We will do our best to let you know of any changes in advance of your seminar.
Seminar Administrative Processes
Within Nursing and Health Research, postgraduate seminars are held TEN times throughout the year. The dates will be released to PhD Researchers and their supervisory teams by the PGT.
Following discussions within the supervisory team, the PhD Researcher and supervisory team must liaise with their assessors (Doctoral studies panel) to ensure they are available for the date and time of the desired seminar.
The PhD Researcher is then required to book their assessments with Joanne Savage administration support and cc the Nursing and Health Research PGT.
Once the date for the seminar has been booked the PhD Researcher will be required to:
- Complete their report
- Upload an electronic version of their final version of their report through Turnitin, on Blackboard Learn.
- Upload the electronic final version of their report and Turnitin report onto PhD Manager. This will initiate the PhD Manager system to enable the PhD Researcher to undertake their seminar.
- Send an electronic copy of the final version of their assessment report (Word) and Turnitin report (PDF) to Joanne Savage and cc to PGT.
The assessment process involves submitting the report two weeks prior to the assessment date.
This is to provide time for supervisors to complete their report and assessors to read the material prior to the seminar.
You will be advised of the dates that you are required to submit your work via an email from Joanne Savage/Dr Toni McAloon. Please ensure you read your email carefully.