Regulations for the Degrees of Doctor of Letters (DLitt), Doctor of Science (DSc), Doctor of Fine Arts (DFA) and Doctor of Laws (LLD)
Section 2 of the Ordinance on Degrees, Diplomas, Certificates and Other Academic Distinctions (Ordinance XX(x) states: The University may confer the following degrees upon graduates or members of staff of the University in recognition of distinguished contributions to scholarship or original research: Doctor of Letters (DLitt), Doctor of Science (DSc), Doctor of Fine Arts (DFA) and Doctor of Laws (LLD). Applications for the degrees of DLitt, DSc, DFA or LLD may be submitted not less than six years after first graduation in the University, or in the case of members of staff who are not graduates of the University, not less than six years after taking up appointment. Periods since graduation on completion of a degree course at the New University of Ulster or the Ulster Polytechnic, or since appointment as a member of staff of either institution, may be accepted for the purpose of meeting this requirement. The degree of DLitt, DSc, DFA or LLD is awarded only for published work or other public output that is of an exceptional standard containing original contributions to the advancement of knowledge in a specific field of enquiry. The published work or other public output should provide evidence of a sustained, consistent and coherent contribution to the field of enquiry that has been established over a number of years and that has led to the development or extension of the field by other researchers.
Admission requirements
1. Applications for the degree of DLitt, DSc, DFA or LLD may be submitted not less than six years after first graduation in the University, or in the case of members of staff who are not graduates of the University, not less than six years after taking up appointment.
2. Applications shall be based on completed research. For this purpose 'research' is to be understood as original investigation undertaken in order to gain knowledge and understanding. It includes: scholarship; the invention and generation of ideas, images, performances and artefacts including design where these lead to new or substantially improved insights; and the use of existing knowledge in experimental development to produce new or substantially improved materials, devices, products, and processes, including design and construction. It excludes routine testing and analysis of materials, components and processes. The dissemination of the results of the research shall have taken place in the form of books or of articles in academic journals of recognised standing or of conference papers, or, in the performing and creative arts, work which may be non-text based. In all cases documentary evidence relating to the research output must be available and for the purpose of these Regulations the work to be submitted shall be referred to as 'the published work or other public output’.
3. Applications shall be accompanied by the following: a) details of the published work or other public output which the applicant wishes to be considered; b) a statement, of between 1,000 and 2,000 words, setting in context each item of published work and indicating how and in what respect these items have made a significant and coherent contribution to knowledge; and c) a statement indicating the extent to which the published work or other public output has been carried out by the candidate and a clear indication of any parts of the published work which have been carried out in collaboration or which have been submitted previously for any other degree or qualification. Further, if the published work is the result of collaborative research, a statement must, where possible, be provided by the collaborating researcher(s) confirming the contribution made to the research by the candidate.
4. Consideration of the quality and quantity of the published work or other public output presented by the candidate at application shall be made by a panel to comprise the relevant Research Director, Associate Dean (R&I) and one or more subject specialists. This panel shall inform the decision on the candidate’s admission for examination.
5. Decisions relating to admission shall be made by either the Board of the Faculty (for normal admissions) or by the Doctoral College Board on the recommendation of the Board of the Faculty (for exceptional admissions) on behalf of the Senate.
6. The Research Director or appropriate nominee shall be appointed as supervisor in advance of registration for the purposes of locating the candidate within a research group and to take action in relation to administrative aspects of the candidate’s registration.
Appointment of Examiners
The Senate shall nominate, for appointment by the Council, at least two external examiners and one internal examiner. In addition a Chair shall be appointed who shall take action necessary in order to process the application through the University’s procedures for examination of research degrees.
Submission for Examination
Submissions for the degree of DLitt, DSc, DFA or LLD shall be submitted electronically to the Doctoral College and shall be accompanied by the following documents: a) copies of each of the publications which the candidate wishes to be considered; b) a statement not exceeding 20,000 words showing the relationship between the various studies and indicating how far and in what respect the contributions appear to them to advance the study of his/her subject; c) a summary of this statement not exceeding 300 words; d) a statement indicating the extent to which the work has been carried out by the candidate above; e) a clear indication of any parts of the work which have been carried out in collaboration or which have been previously submitted for any other degree; and f) such additional material as may be specified by the University.
Examination Outcomes
The examiners may recommend:
a) that the degree should be awarded;
b) that the candidate should be permitted to re-apply for the degree after a period of not less than five years; or
c) that the degree should not be awarded. A candidate may not apply for either degree on more than two occasions. The documents submitted electronically by each successful candidate shall be retained by the University.