Equality Scheme and Action Plans

Equality of Opportunity and Good Relations
This section focuses on how we actively promote equality of opportunity and good relations across all of our functions.

Summary of the Equality Scheme
Ulster University’s Equality Scheme is a statement of the University’s commitment to and proposals for fulfilling statutory obligations in compliance...

Promoting Good Relations
Short Guide to Good Relations

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan
University action plan relating to equality, diversity and inclusion.

Disability Action Plan 2022 - 2027
Five-year action plan to promote positive attitudes towards people with disabilities and to encourage participation by people with disabilities in...
Assessing the Likely Impact on Equality of Opportunity and Good Relations (Equality Screening)

Summary Guide to Equality Screening
This summary guide helps users understand why the University of Ulster screens policies and processes.

Completed EQIAs
The University has carried out Equality Impact Assessments (EQIAs) on a range of policies.
Consulting on the Outcomes of Screening (Public Consultation)

Consultation Exercises
Table listing policies for consultation. Live policies out for consultation.

Completed EQIAs
The University has carried out Equality Impact Assessments (EQIAs) on a range of policies.
Equality Monitoring

Monitoring under Section 75 refers to the statutory duty placed on public authorities in Northern Ireland to promote equality of...

Key equality data
A collection of staff and student equality data, available to download.

Summary of the Equality Scheme
Ulster University’s Equality Scheme is a statement of the University’s commitment to and proposals for fulfilling statutory obligations in compliance...
Training Staff

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Training
Providing advice, support and guidance on equality and diversity-related issues.

Our annual reporting helps keep us on track towards our goals listed in the Equality Action Plan.