About the Network
The Network was set-up following a staff consultation in 2020 and was formally launched in February 2021.
We welcome staff and PhD researchers who identity as LGBT+ and those who are allies.
The Network is a vehicle to promote and enhance equality and inclusion across all genders and sexualities at the University.
In common with the University’s other Diversity Networks, the LGBT+ Network provides an opportunity to raise awareness and celebrate diversity through social events; to contribute to policy development and implementation; and to help ensure that the interests of those whom the Network represents, continues to form a part of the University’s wider equality, diversity and inclusion agenda.
As the Civic University, the Network also acknowledges its responsibility in providing leadership to challenge homophobic and transphobic attitudes and practices far beyond the University.

Resources and Research
- Resources
- Podcasts
- McCollum, V and Gaffney, K. Screen Production Research: (Queer) Short Filmmaking as a Mode of Enquiry. Short Film Studies. 11:2 (PP.239-248), 2021.
- “Shilling Pennywise: Chump Change in Trump’s (Trans) America” by Theresa L. Geller, in Make America Hate Again: Trump Era Horror and the Politics of Fear (ed. McCollum, V.) Routledge, 2019.
- “An End to Monstrosity: Horror, Queer Representation, and the Trump Regime” by Marshall Moore, in Make America Hate Again: Trump Era Horror and the Politics of Fear (ed. McCollum, V.) Routledge, 2019.
- “Trauma, Repression and The Babadook: Sexual Identity in the Trump Era” by Fran Pheasant-Kelly, in Make America Hate Again: Trump Era Horror and the Politics of Fear (ed. McCollum, V.) Routledge, 2019.
- “Queer Fantasies, Queer Echoes: The Post-Closet World of HBO’s ‘Looking’” by Nicholas Manganas, in HBO’s Original Voices: Race, Gender, Sex, Class and Power (ed. McCollum, V.) Rowman & Littlefield, 2017.
- Carr, N, McAlister, S & Neill, G 2014, Queering the Family: Attitudes towards Lesbian and Gay Relationships and Families in Northern Ireland. 89 edn, Access Research Knowledge, Belfast.
- Carr, N, Devine, P, McAlister, S & Neill, G 2015, Public Attitudes Towards LGB Equality. 106 edn, Access Research Knowledge, Belfast.
- Neill, G & McAlister, S 2019, The Missing T: Baselining Attitudes towards Transgender People in Northern Ireland. vol. 128, Access Research Knowledge, Belfast.
PhD thesis titles supervised and examined at UU
- Resisting Homonormativity in Queer Filmmaking Practice (Kevin Gaffney, 2022)
Key Contacts
The LGBT+ Staff Network is led by Dr Ngozi Anyadike-Danes and supported by the University’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion team.
For further information and/or how to join the Network, please contact Jonathan Matchett or email lgbtnetwork@ulster.ac.uk.