Ulster EDGE Award levels explained
Currently there are 2 levels to the Ulster EDGE Award for undergraduate students. The Ulster EDGE Award and Ulster EDGE Excel Award.
We are also currently piloting an Ulster EDGE Award for Postgraduate students
EDGE Award
To complete the Ulster EDGE Award students will need to complete
3 activities
EDGE Excel Award
To complete the Ulster EDGE Excel Award students will need to complete
5 activities
EDGE Award (Postgrad)
To complete the Ulster EDGE Award (Postgraduate) students will need to complete
2 activities (part of pilot award continuing for 24/25)
Recommended EDGE activities
The following EDGE Award activities are open to everyone and can be the ideal start to your EDGE journey:
Career Confident This self directed activity can be done in your own time and will help you prepare for your job/placement search through developing your Handshake Profile, enhancing your CV and improving your Job Interview preparation
Work Experience Skills Builder Get EDGE Award accreditation for your part time work by reflecting on the skills you are developing and by doing so, enhance your confidence for applying for new placement and graduate job opportunities.

Your EDGE Award Journey
Register to get started
Register for the EDGE Award via the link below:
You can then start to complete activities and we will also start to communicate with you to help you start your EDGE Award Journey.
Choose your activities
Once you register online you can start to view suitable activities. If there are specific EDGE Award activities associated with your subject area you'll see them in the activities section.
Our Graduate Development Coach team will be on hand to support you with your EDGE Journey so please get in touch with any questions.
Complete and record your activities
Once you have completed an activity check that it has been recorded. Successful activities will appear on your EDGE online record shortly after completion.
You can check by logging in at Edge.
If you have a query then please get in touch with the co-ordinator for your activity or Employability & Gradaute Futures.
Final Application for your EDGE / EDGE Excel Award
In Semester 2 of your final year, once you have completed your EDGE activities, you will complete this short final application. A final deadline will be confirmed at a later date but this is usually around early May.
This final application requires you to provide information on your completed and recorded EDGE activities, allowing us to verify and confirm that you have completed your EDGE Award or EDGE Excel Award.
In early Semester 2 you will have access to a specific EDGE Award support area in Blackboard Learn that will include this application link alongside lots of useful information on activities you can complete to finish your EDGE Award or EDGE Excel Award. If you have any questions about this or any aspect of EDGE, please just get in touch by emailing graduatefutures@ulster.ac.uk