Edge Award Portal

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Showing 1 to 125 of 125 activities

4 Nations Project

This international team building project has been developed and delivered since 2016 by academics from partner Universities to allow students from each institution to work together on a virtual entrepreneurial business project.

  Communicating and Presenting


  Future Skills


  Problem solving

Accredited Carbon Literacy training

Develop and certify your carbon literacy through our accredited online training.

  External Activities

  Future Skills

ActiveFitSporty Leadership

This leadership programme will take Sports students on a journey to gain a better understanding of yourself and gain skills to help you grow and develop as a leader

  Career Planning

  Communicating and Presenting

  Global Leadership


  Problem solving

  School of Sport

All-Ireland Interprofessional Healthcare Challenge

The All-Ireland Interprofessional Healthcare Challenge for Students (AIPEC) provides an opportunity for students from all health disciplines to work collaboratively with colleagues from different professions.

  Career Planning

  Communicating and Presenting

  Future Skills

  Global Leadership


  Problem solving

  School of Health Sciences

Annual Halloween Ensemble: Actors

Increase self confidence and widen your social network across disciplines while helping to produce an engaging, heart racing Halloween experience for the public.

  Communicating and Presenting

  Work Experience

  School of Arts and Humanities

BAME+ Network Ambassador

The BAME+ Network Ambassador EDGE activity aims to establish a cohort of student champions to promote and raise awareness of the BAME+ Network.



Campus Ambassador

Support new and existing students by helping them navigate campus confidently and answer a range of queries from students as they become familiar with their campus experience.

  Communicating and Presenting


  Work Experience

  Problem solving

Care and Leadership Management

This activity encourages you to identify and reflect the significant contribution to your university education that caring and managing within a home-based work experience provides.

  Career Planning

  Work Experience

Career Confident

This self directed EDGE activity will enable you to launch your job search in the right way through a series of self directed activities supporting your preparation to find and apply for opportunities.

  Career Planning


CIM Pitch Competition

The Pitch is a nationwide competition designed by The Chartered Institute of Marketing to recognise and reward the marketing talent of the future.

  Communicating and Presenting

  External Activities

  Department of Global Business and Enterprise

  Department of Management, Leadership and Marketing

Client Care Skills

Open to Law and Social Work students this training will help students to develop essential client care skills from the initial interview stage, to discussing a client's legal requirements.

  External Activities

  Work Experience


  School of Law

  School of Applied Social and Policy Sciences

Community Resilience Exercise

Students are introduced to the concept of ‘disaster’ and ‘disaster risk reduction’. Students will be asked to consider disaster risks in their own community/region and relate this to selected disasters in the developing world.

  School of Nursing and Paramedic Science

Course Rep

Get EDGE accreditation for your role as Course Rep by completing at least 1 training session and relevant documentation.

  Communicating and Presenting




  Problem solving

Creative Dojo

Connecting Animation students with peer groups with the goal of sharing experiences and engaging in activities that enhance both subject specific and employability skills.

  Communicating and Presenting



  Belfast School of Art


Crowdfunding will require a student to have a great idea and to need funding for a piece of equipment or event. Students have successfully crowdfunded for a range of projects and through the completion of a log book you can also gain EDGE Award accreditation.

Cultural Awareness

As cultures become more diverse so does the workplace. This activity will help students understand the importance of diversity in the workplace and the many benefits it brings.

  Future Skills

  Global Leadership

Design your career journey

This activity, with the help of 1-1 support, will help students to visually identify and articulate their own career goals and ambitions.

  Career Planning

  Communicating and Presenting

  Future Skills

Developing Lifelong Literacy Skills

You will evaluate your information searching skills, and develop these through attendance at Library workshops, liaison with a designated subject librarian and a structured search plan. Details of your search journey will be presented along with evidence and a critical evaluation of the process.

  Communicating and Presenting

Employer Insights & Ambassadors

Get EDGE accreditation for completing Employer Insight Programmes and Ambassadorial roles.

  Career Planning

  External Activities

  Future Skills


  Work Experience

Employment Law and Practice

The Ulster University Law Clinic/Social Justice @ Magee, provides student led pro bono advice and assistance in the area of employment law.

  Magee campus

  School of Law

Engage with Ulster-Scots Literature, Language, Heritage and Culture

This activity enables studenta to enhance their understanding of Ulster-Scots literature, language, heritage and culture.

  Communicating and Presenting

  External Activities

  School of Arts and Humanities

Enhancing Graduate Qualities

First year students undertaking this activity will address a number of graduate qualities across four constructs with a view to developing in these areas whilst undertaking their first practice learning experience.

  Career Planning

  Future Skills

  School of Nursing and Paramedic Science

Event Participation with Special Olympics Ulster

Special Olympics Ulster is an organisation which provides a sports training and competition programme for children and adults with an intellectual disability.

  Communicating and Presenting

  External Activities

  Global Leadership

  Work Experience


  Problem solving

  Department of Hospitality and Tourism Management

Event representation

Nursing students have opportunities within the course to participate and represent the School of Nursing at research exercises, curriculum design, outreach and marketing events and induction sessions.

  School of Nursing and Paramedic Science

Excel Skills Development

A workshop to help Accounting, Finance & Economics Students gain a better understanding of how Excel are used within any accounting and professional services sector.

  Department of Accounting, Finance and Economics

Excel Software Workshop

The aim of this workshop is to increase the employability prospects of students in the Department of Global Business & Enterprise by giving them practical experience of the use of Excel.

  Department of Global Business and Enterprise

Exploring Counselling in Action

Communication and Counselling Studies students will explore the application of counselling in professional contexts through visits to two-three counselling agencies.

  Career Planning

  Communicating and Presenting

  Future Skills


  School of Communication and Media

External Training Course Accreditation

If you have or are planning to engage in a training course outside of University then this activity will help you secure EDGE Award accreditation for this activity.

  External Activities

Fundamentals of Digital Marketing (Google)

Complete the Fundamentals of Digital Marketing course through Google Digital Garage, Boost your marketing skills for your own business or employment opportunities.

  External Activities

  Digital Presence

  Future Skills

  Problem solving

  Belfast School of Art

  School of Communication and Media

  Department of Hospitality and Tourism Management

  Department of Global Business and Enterprise

  Department of Management, Leadership and Marketing


Boots your ability to collaborate, problem solve and design in a 'real' games design context.

  Communicating and Presenting

  Future Skills

  Problem solving

  Belfast School of Art

Geography Ambassadors Scheme

The prestigious Geography Ambassador scheme runs across the UK each year. This is a unique opportunity for students to take part in while gaining excellent employability skills.

  School of Geography and Environmental Sciences

Geospatial Programming Skills

School of Geography and Environmental Science students can develop programming or scripting skills through online courses such as MOOCs or the Esri Virtual Campus.

  School of Geography and Environmental Sciences

Global Buddy Scheme

Our Global Buddy scheme is a mentoring scheme where we match new international students to existing Ulster students to support their transition to a new culture, environment and learning experience.

  Global Leadership


Global Engagement Programmes

Through our Global Engagement Programmes, students will develop the independence, autonomy and professional skills to succeed in the global workplace.

  Future Skills

  Global Leadership

  Work Experience

Google Ads Certification (Display, Search and Measurement)

Ads certification is a professional accreditation that Google offers to individuals who demonstrate proficiency in basic and advanced aspects of Google Ads.

  External Activities

  Future Skills

  Department of Management, Leadership and Marketing

Google Analytics for Beginners and Advanced Google Analytics

Google Analytics for Beginners and Advanced Google Analytics shows new users how to create an account, implement tracking code, and set up data filters.

  External Activities

  Future Skills

  Department of Management, Leadership and Marketing

Graduating...What Next?

This EDGE Award activity is specifically designed for final year and postgraduate students approaching the final stages of their degree programme

  Career Planning

  Digital Presence

GymFUN Coach Leadership Programme

The GymFUN (gymnastics) Coach Leadership Programme aims to provide opportunities for Ulster students coaches.

  External Activities


  School of Sport

GymFUN Mentoring Programme

The UU GymFUN Mentoring programme aims to provide opportunities for Ulster students and aspiring physical education teachers/professional sports coaches.

  External Activities


  School of Sport


Delivered by sector leaders a Hackathon provides students with an opportunity to participate in a collaborative code challenge over a short period of time and learn from sector leaders and peers.

  External Activities

  Problem solving

  School of Computing

  School of Computing, Engineering and Intelligent Systems

Healthy Heroes

The Healthy Heroes initiative is a 5 week programme engaging KS2 pupils in primary schools on the importance of healthy eating.

  Communicating and Presenting

  External Activities

  Future Skills


  School of Biomedical Sciences

History Ambassadors

The activity will include making contact with the school, at least one visit, preparing and presenting a brief presentation, and writing a reflective report on their positive experiences and the transferrable skills they have acquired and augmented.

  Communicating and Presenting

  External Activities


  School of Arts and Humanities

Hungry in Halls

The purpose of this EDGE activity is to develop your skills and awareness of the needs of students who have moved away from home for the first time and lack the confidence and ability to cook and budget for themselves.


Immediate Life Support Course

This course aims to develop healthcare personnel with the knowledge and skills needed in cardiopulmonary resuscitation, simple airway management and safe defibrillation (manual and/or AED).

  External Activities


  Problem solving

  School of Nursing and Paramedic Science

International Placements & Internships

Through our Go Global work-based learning opportunities, students will develop the independence, autonomy and professional skills to succeed in the global workplace. This activity is for international internships and placements that are 8-52 weeks in duration.

  Future Skills

  Global Leadership

Introduction to Ergonomics

This activity ss for Year 3 BSc Hons Physiotherapy students delivering ergonomics fundamentals training to UU medical students

  Communicating and Presenting

  Future Skills


  Work Experience

  School of Health Sciences

Introduction to Social Security Benefits

These sessions provide student learners with a background in social security law in NI and GB (Open to Law and Social Work students)

  School of Law

Irish Student Consulting Group

ISCG membership provides students with a choice of projects to apply to, a wide network of similarly engaged and driven students, events, interviews, and recruitment opportunities.


  External Activities

  Future Skills


  Work Experience

  Problem solving

  Department of Global Business and Enterprise

  Department of Management, Leadership and Marketing

Law society Competition

This activity will help Law students gain invaluable experience and insights. Participants will understand and articulate the aims and functions of the area of law under consideration.

  External Activities

  School of Law

Law society for NI, Client Counselling Competition

Students are provided with a brief memorandum on a legal matter which they must research. They must also engage with client care directions provided by the Law Society of NI.

  Communicating and Presenting

  External Activities


  Work Experience

  Problem solving

  School of Law

Legal Internships

A student will be tasked with providing research, advice, drafting and representation for a range of law firms, voluntary and statutory organisations, to assist them in their future development and progress.


  Work Experience

  Problem solving

  School of Law

Legal research for Family Mediation NI

A student will be tasked with providing desk research, essentially a literature review of relevant, pertinent, academic peer-reviewed material for Family Mediation NI, to assist them in their future development and progress.

  External Activities

  Work Experience


  School of Law

Linguistic Assessment and Interventions for Children in Movement (LAICIM)

LAICIM is a collaborative project that aims to provide an opportunity for young people who are refugees and immigrants in Northern Ireland (children in movement), to experience a rich English language learning environment through targeted language assessment and intervention.

  Work Experience


  School of Communication and Media

Luach Breise (‘Added Value’)

This is a unique opportunity for full-time students to gain work experience through work-based learning.

  Work Experience

  School of Arts and Humanities

Makaton Foundation Workshop

This accredited activity helps students learn signs and symbols from stages 1-4 and the additional stage of the Makaton Core Vocabulary. This workshop is delivered through four modules and is both lecture and practical based.

Marketing Institute of Ireland Pitch Competition

This Pitch is a competition were students are asked to reflect upon the Future of Work for Marketing Graduates.

  Communicating and Presenting


  External Activities

  Department of Global Business and Enterprise


Enhance your employability through project based digital marketing learning opportunities for with local employers and stakeholders.

  Digital Presence

  Future Skills


  Work Experience

  Problem solving

  Department of Global Business and Enterprise

  Department of Management, Leadership and Marketing

Media Buddy Scheme

Students from the School of Communication and Media often play an informal advice giving and mentoring role via open events and induction sessions.

  School of Communication and Media

Media Production Advanced Level

The final of three Media Production EDGE Award activities, this level supports students to build on Entry and Intermediate level activities by developing advanced level production skills through the completion of a range of projects.

  Career Planning

  Communicating and Presenting

  Future Skills

  Work Experience

  School of Communication and Media

Media Production Entry Level

The first of 3 levels of Media Production EDGE Award activities, developed to help you enhance your technical production knowledge through involvement in a range of extra curricular projects.

  Career Planning

  Communicating and Presenting

  Future Skills


  Work Experience

  School of Communication and Media

Media Production Intermediate Level

The second of three levels of Media Production EDGE activities, the Intermediate level supports students to build higher level production skills that are progressing from those developed at entry level.

  Career Planning

  Communicating and Presenting

  Future Skills


  Work Experience

  School of Communication and Media

Men in Nursing

This activity involves current Male Nursing students supporting the School of Nursing to promote Nursing as a positive career option for males.

  Communicating and Presenting

  External Activities

  Future Skills


  School of Nursing and Paramedic Science

Mentoring Young Looked After Children with Educational Support(My Laces)

Open to Social Work students, this mentoring initiative benefits the student, as it affords essential life and career experience in a relevant field thereby enhancing knowledge and experiential learning and improving future learning and career opportunities.

  External Activities



  School of Applied Social and Policy Sciences

Mind Your Mood Ambassador

The Mind Your Mood Ambassador programme aims to establish a network of student champions that promote positive mental health in Ulster University.

Mooting Mentoring and Training

Student(s) will prepare materials for training and engage with other students in preparation for participation in external Moot Court competitions on behalf of Ulster University.

  School of Law

Multi-Camera Television Production: Studio and Location

Screen Production students engage with various aspects of multi camera projects

  Communicating and Presenting

  Future Skills

  Work Experience

  School of Communication and Media

Nature Connectedness

This free MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) from the University of Derby provides an opportunity for you to learn about Nature Connectedness and the value of having a strong relationship with nature.

  External Activities

  Future Skills

  Problem solving

NICE Student Champion

This programme provides pharmacy students with an opportunity to build skills in finding best practice in health and social care, and to develop their teaching and presenting skills through sharing this knowledge with their fellow students.

  Communicating and Presenting


  School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

NIUAS – Flying & Leadership Development Programme (Module 1)

Flying & Leadership Development Programme – Module 1 (Certified Participation in year 1 – NIUAS) providing theoretical and practical flying and leadership training coupled with supporting life skills and experiences and force development.

  Future Skills

  Global Leadership

NIUAS – Flying & Leadership Development Programme (Module 2)

Flying & Leadership Development Programme - Module 2 (Certified Participation in year 2 - NIUAS) providing advanced theoretical and practical flying and leadership training coupled with supporting advanced life skills and experiences and force development.

  Future Skills

  Global Leadership

Nutrition Communication - The Importance of Effective Communication for the Promotion of Health

The lecture on "Nutrient Functions & Health Benefits: Communication to and through Health Influencers" will explain how Health Influencers Communication Programming can be done.

  School of Biomedical Sciences

Open Championship 2025

Secure EDGE Award recognition by working in paid or voluntary roles at the Open Championship 2025 taking place in Royal Portrush.

  Communicating and Presenting

  External Activities

  Work Experience


PANI Advertising Competition

Only open to BSc Com, Ad and Marketing and BDEs Graphic Design and Illustration. Students from the School of Communication and School of Art and Design form cross-disciplinary teams, are assigned to a mentor ad agency.

  Communicating and Presenting

  External Activities

  Future Skills

  Belfast School of Art

  School of Communication and Media

Participation in the ‘Young People as Educators’ project.

There are two main initiatives to this project both involving young people in contact with the criminal justice system and social work students from the Magee campus.

  School of Applied Social and Policy Sciences

Peer Assisted Study Skills 1

Peer Assisted Study Skills (PASS) allows you to earn EDGE credit as you undertake your role as a PASS Leader, enabling you to facilitate study sessions for groups of lower year groups on your course.

  Communicating and Presenting




Peer Assisted Study Skills 2

PASS 2 allows you to earn EDGE credit as your undertake your role as a PASS Leader, enabling you to facilitate study sessions for groups of lower year students on your course.

  School of Law

  School of Psychology

Peer Facilitation and Feedback

'Preparation for Practice Learning' Module is a pre-requisite module which must be successfully completed prior to social work students commencing their first work based placement.


  School of Applied Social and Policy Sciences

Peer Mentoring (Hospitality & Tourism Management students)

Second year students of IHM(6109) and CAM (6110) of their UG degree mentor the incoming first year student transitioning from school for period of one academic year.

Peer Mentoring- Optometry

As an Optometry peer mentors you would provide support and signposting to year 1 students.

  Career Planning


  Problem solving

  School of Biomedical Sciences

Peer Mentorship in Health Sciences

This activity is open to year 2 and year 3 students. Year 3 students must have completed this activity by March in their final year in order to apply for the EDGE award.

Peer Researcher Interprofessional Peer Researcher Network

As a peer researcher you will work in interprofessional teams to undertake online focus groups related to teaching and learning activities

  Career Planning

  Communicating and Presenting

  External Activities



  Problem solving

  School of Applied Social and Policy Sciences

  School of Biomedical Sciences

  School of Health Sciences

  School of Nursing and Paramedic Science

  School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

  School of Psychology

  School of Medicine

Peer Support for Biomedical Science students (placement)

Connecting final year students who have completed placement with placement seeking Year 2 students.


  Work Experience

  School of Biomedical Sciences

Peer Support for IBMS Certificate of Competence Portfolio

Support Year 2 students by mentoring them as they embark on their own placement search journey.

  School of Biomedical Sciences

Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Student Ambassador

Students will engage in outreach activities, which will assist in promotion of the programmes within the school and in informing prospective students and their parents and teachers.

  School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Physical activity and exercise laboratory research skills work experience

This activity is open to sports and psychology students. This activity will enable up to four 2nd year students accrue a minimum of 20 hours’ work experience in a physical activity/exercise research laboratory.

  Work Experience

  School of Psychology

  School of Sport

Playmakers Series: Actor

Hone your craft as an Actor by participating in our in-house production company 'Playmakers.


  Work Experience

  Problem solving

  School of Arts and Humanities

Playmakers Series: Director

Develop your skills as a Director working with peers, to produce dynamic and engaging works of original theatrical performance.

  Communicating and Presenting


  Work Experience

  Problem solving

  School of Arts and Humanities

Playmakers Series: Stage Manager

Develop real-world skills in the role of Stage Manager in one of our fully equipped performance venues, managing people, space and resources.


  Work Experience

  Problem solving

  School of Arts and Humanities

Playmakers Series:Playwright

Develop technique and confidence in your capacity to produce opportunities for original dramatic works through your creative writing.

  Communicating and Presenting

  Work Experience

  Problem solving

  School of Arts and Humanities

Pre Placement Portfolio (Hospitality and Tourism Management)

This is an enrichment activity taken by Year 2 HTM students at Belfast and Coleraine campuses. It aims to: enhance students’ knowledge and understanding of the work environment and provide them with the opportunity to develop employability skills.

  Work Experience

  Department of Hospitality and Tourism Management

RCN Student Rep

The RCN Student Rep will work with their university to promote the interests of nursing students. By being involved in the recruitment and retention of student RCN members and other Student Ambassadors.

  School of Nursing and Paramedic Science

Recruitment Event Ambassadors

This EDGE activity is designed to foster partnerships between the undergraduate students in the School of Geography and Environmental Sciences and school departments in Northern Ireland and Ireland.

Riverside Youth Theatre Assistant

Riverside Youth Theatre Assistants are responsible for supporting a positive, safe and encouraging environment for children and young people to develop and flourish creatively.

  Work Experience

  Coleraine campus

Sage Accounting Software Workshop

The aim of this workshop is to increase the employability prospects of business and accounting students by giving them practical experience of the use of the Sage accounting software package.

  Department of Global Business and Enterprise

School, Department or Faculty Rep

School/Department Reps and Faculty Reps are experienced Course Reps who have taken on the extra responsibility for your whole School/Department or Faculty.

  Communicating and Presenting




Short term International Work Experience & Volunteering

Through our Global work-based learning opportunities, students will develop the independence, autonomy and professional skills to succeed in the global workplace.

  Future Skills

  Global Leadership

  Work Experience

Short Term Work Placements

Ulster students undertake work placements in a variety of sectors during their time at University. For the experience to be EDGE eligible, the work experience must be in addition to the students degree programme.

  Work Experience

Student Ambassador

This scheme has been set up to formally record and acknowledge the excellent work in promotion, information-giving, and support activities that many of our students undertake in relation to their programmes.

  School of Communication and Media

Student Ambassador Scheme

School Ambassadors represent Ulster University at various events and recruitment activities involving their former schools. They help promote Ulster University by engaging with school pupils, teachers and parents in sharing their first-hand experiences of life at Ulster, including social and academic aspects. School Ambassadors are relied upon as experts in their former school by the Market Engagement team, and assist the University recruit prospective students.

  Communicating and Presenting

Student Leadership Team

The Student Leadership Team is a student-driven initiative aimed to enhance the relationship between students and staff through working together on various sporting initiatives, whilst increasing the overall student experience and the successes of the School of Sport.

  School of Sport

Student Model Nobel Peace Prize

An opportunity to learn about social justice and activism and develop intercultural competences working with students across the Atlantic.

  Communicating and Presenting

  External Activities

  Global Leadership


  School of Law

  School of Applied Social and Policy Sciences

Student Panelist

Represent the views of the student body by providing feedback on key developments across the University

  Communicating and Presenting


  Problem solving

Student Success Ambassadors

Student Success Ambassadors will secure EDGE Award accreditation by logging and documenting specific activities and by participating in induction and skills development support.

  Communicating and Presenting

  Future Skills


  Work Experience

Students Union

To be responsible for a Sports Union Club or Students’ Union affiliated Society in a leadership role (i.e. as Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer etc.).



Studiosity Peer Mentoring

Deliver One to One Peer Mentoring to first year undergraduate students at Course and Module Level.



The Digital laBorAtory (Capture and Create)

Capture and create existing spaces to help realise interdisciplinary opportunities within the Belfast campus

  Career Planning

  Communicating and Presenting

  Digital Presence

  Future Skills

  Belfast School of Art

  School of Communication and Media

  Belfast School of Architecture and the Built Environment

The Digital laBorAtory (Collaborate)

Explore and capitalise on opportunities to collaborate between built environment and creative disciplines

  Communicating and Presenting


  Digital Presence

  Future Skills

  Problem solving

  Belfast School of Art

  School of Communication and Media

  Belfast School of Architecture and the Built Environment

The Digital laBorAtory (Communication)

Build strong verbal and digital communication skills for your future

  Communicating and Presenting

  Digital Presence

  Future Skills

  Belfast School of Art

  School of Communication and Media

  Belfast School of Architecture and the Built Environment

The Wellbeing Garden

This activity is achieved through completing at least 20 hours of engagement with the UUSU Wellbeing Garden. Participants will have gained knowledge of sustainable food systems, social enterprises, and the importance of healthy living and wellbeing.



Tutoring in the University

Shadowing university lectures and learning how to mentor and tutor lower year groups.

  School of Geography and Environmental Sciences

Ulster University Choir Membership

Building teamwork/leadership capacity via membership and participation of the various activities of the Ulster University Choir



UNpreneur Intervarsity Bootcamp

4 week virtual Inter-University Bootcamp, designed to help you super charge your business idea.


  External Activities

  Future Skills


Upskilling for the Nursing Profession

Nursing students undertake a range of additional preparation, education and training throughout the programme which is not directly linked to module assessment.

  Future Skills

  School of Nursing and Paramedic Science

Using a video CV to enhance graduate employability

Development of a paper CV with a complimentary video CV Students are required to develop a paper CV (no longer than two pages) and a complimentary video CV (less than 120 seconds).

  Career Planning

  Department of Hospitality and Tourism Management

Using Electronic Case Management Systems in Legal Practice

Training students in electronic case management packages at undergraduate level helps develop a current and consistent approach to legal services, that will assist them in securing post graduate employment opportunities with law firms.

  Future Skills

  School of Law

UU Phlebotomy Course

This phlebotomy training programme in adult venepuncture will incorporate academic learning in addition to practical application.

  External Activities

  School of Biomedical Sciences

  School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

UU Start

UU Start: Kickstart your business idea - A Student and Graduate Enterprise Programme helping UU students launch their own business.


UU Start Up

Develop your own business idea and access expert support through UUStartUp, delivered by Young Enterprise.


  External Activities

UUSU Student Councillor

A student leader in the Students’ Union who has carried out a minimum of 30 hours volunteering over the course of an academic year to improve the student experience by gathering feedback, running campaigns and supporting the Campus VP Academic and Student Affairs.



Voluntary Sports Coaching

Student completes a National Governing Body Coaching Qualification which is at a level that allows student to coach independently. This must be from a National Governing Body of Sport which is affiliated to either Sport Northern Ireland or the Irish Sports Council.

  External Activities



  School of Sport

Voluntary Sports Coaching in a UUSU Club

The activity recognises the time and commitment a student gives to voluntarily (non-paid) sports coaching their club at Ulster University.

  External Activities



Volunteering with External Organisations

Get recognition your deserve for your volunteering experience through the Ulster EDGE Award

  External Activities



Work Experience Skills Builder

Get EDGE Award accreditation for your Part time job by learning about the skills you are developing and the evidence you are creating that will support your future job applications and interviews.

  External Activities

  Work Experience

Year long placement

If you are completing a Year long placement it automatically counts as an Ulster EDGE Award activity. If you are in final year it will show on your EDGE record in Nov/Dec of your final year.

  Career Planning

  Future Skills

  Work Experience

Yoga for Lawyers

A specific wellbeing initiative for Law students promoting proactive wellbeing and resilience.

  Future Skills

  School of Law