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Information about the Mentoring Programme

The Women’s Network Mentoring Programme

Unlock the power of professional connections with our dynamic mentoring program, an exclusive opportunity woven into the fabric of our network.

At the Women’s Network we don't just foster professional development – we aim to create lasting relationships to support you with your personal and professional goals.

  • Why You Should Consider our Mentoring Programme: 

    1. Building Connections Across Ulster University

    Our mentorship programme is relaxed and aims to foster collaboration and a positive experience every time. This programme is open to all staff members and will give you the opportunity to step out of the silos and connect with people across different job levels, departments and roles.

    2. Empowering Relationships

    At the heart of our programme is the idea that mentorship is a two-way street. Both the mentor and mentee benefit from each other, sharing insights and experiencing growth together.

    3. One Mentor, One Mentee

    We believe in the power of focused mentorship. Each mentor dedicates their expertise to guide and empower a single mentee, ensuring a personalised and impactful experience.

    4. Tailored Relationships, Not Onerous Obligations

    We understand the value of time and respect the unique dynamics of each mentoring relationship. The nature of the relationship is a collaborative agreement, making sure that the journey is rewarding rather than burdensome for both individuals.

  • How It Works:

    Step 1: Matchmaking

    After you complete an application from, our team will match mentors with mentees based on established criteria, ensuring compatibility and mutual benefit.

    Step 2: Your Choice Matters

    After matching, mentees receive an email introducing them to their potential mentor. We value your preferences, so we ask for your acceptance or rejection. Don't worry – if it's not the right fit, we'll provide alternative options until you find the mentor that aligns with your goals.

    Step 3: Orientation and Kick-off

    Before diving in, we want you to feel confident and prepared. If required and you feel it will help, we will organise training sessions covering essential topics such as communication and goal setting – and if you don’t, every participant will get a mentoring agreement that gives clarity on roles, responsibilities and what to expect.

    Step 4: Ongoing Support and Resources

    We're committed to your success throughout the mentorship journey. Our support doesn't end after the kick-off – we will provide continuous assistance and valuable resources. From goal-setting templates to conflict resolution guidelines, if you need anything, we will be here in the background supporting your mentorship journey.

    Step 5: Monitoring and Evaluation

    To ensure the effectiveness of the programme, we will check in with both the mentor and mentee to track the progress of mentorship relationships. Regularly collecting feedback from participants allows us to make necessary adjustments and improvements.

    Ready to take the next step in your professional journey?

Further Information

  • What is the commitment involved? 

    It is suggested that a mentor should commit to one mentee only and commit to 3 sessions initially with the option to increase to 6 sessions, the frequency can be agreed between both parties.  If the mentoring is for a very specific purpose, the mentoring relationship may also conclude earlier once that purpose has been achieved. The nature of the mentoring relationship should be agreed between the mentor and the mentee, but it should not be onerous to either party. For example, the mentor and mentee may opt to commit to a defined number of meetings over a defined period i.e. three one-hour meetings over six months or other agreed variations.

  • What happens if the mentoring relationship doesn’t work out? 

    Mentors and mentees need to build a rapport and communicate effectively in order for the mentoring relationship to succeed. Mentoring through the Women’s Network is voluntary and there is no requirement to continue a mentoring relationship if it is not working for either party. In this case, the mentoring will either naturally conclude or should be ended constructively. The mentee can then choose to select another mentor from the mentor bank and the mentor can be available to another mentee.

    If you feel that the mentoring relationship is not working out and you would like some support around how to manage this, please contact

  • Are there other mentoring options? 

    People and Development

    In addition to centrally organised schemes such as the Women’s Network and the research mentoring programme, People Development offer a range of mentoring opportunities with similar mentoring goals to provide support and guidance to staff. People development offer mentoring which provides an opportunity for personal and career development across many areas such as leadership and career development.

    This mentoring focuses on providing guidance, support, advice to build knowledge, capability and self-reliance, with a focus on reviewing and developing career plans. They also provide resources and training to assist colleagues in developing as a mentor. Please contact for more information.

    Research Mentoring

    There is mentoring available for those engaged in research through the formal Research Mentoring Programme.

    Get more information on Research Mentoring

    ENHANCE Professional Development Scheme

    There is also mentoring available in relation to learning and teaching through the ENHANCE Professional Development Scheme aligned to the UKPSF for those who wish to achieve HEA Fellowship.

    Get more information on the ENHANCE Professional Development Scheme

    Women in Business

    Externally, Women in Business also offer a mentoring programme.

    Get more information on the Women in Business Mentoring Programme

  • The Women's Network Mentorship Programme Disclaimer 

    The Women’s Network is pleased to offer a voluntary mentorship programme designed to provide support and guidance to individuals seeking mentorship opportunities. While we strive to ensure a positive experience for all participants, it's important to understand and acknowledge the following disclaimers:

    • Voluntary Participation: Participation in the mentorship programme is entirely voluntary. Mentors and mentees are under no obligation to continue their participation if they feel it is not beneficial or suitable for any reason.
    • No Guarantees: The Women’s Network cannot guarantee specific outcomes or results from participating in the mentorship programme. Success in mentoring relationships depends on various factors including commitment, communication, and compatibility between mentors and mentees.
    • Limited Liability: The Women’s Network and its affiliates do not assume any liability for the actions, advice, or decisions made by mentors or mentees during their participation in the programme. Mentors and mentees are encouraged to exercise their own judgment and discretion.
    • Confidentiality: Participants are expected to maintain confidentiality regarding any sensitive information shared during mentorship sessions. The Women’s Network cannot be held responsible for breaches of confidentiality that may occur between mentors and mentees.
    • No Professional Advice: Mentors participating in the programme are volunteers and may not necessarily be experts or professionals in specific fields. Their guidance and advice should not be considered as professional or legal advice.
    • Code of Conduct: All participants are expected to adhere to Ulster University’s code of conduct, treating each other with respect, professionalism, and integrity at all times. Any violations may result in termination of participation in the programme.

    By participating in the mentorship programme, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to abide by the terms outlined in this disclaimer. If you have any questions or concerns regarding these disclaimers, please contact The Women’s Network for clarification.