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Resources and Toolkits

Please click on a tile below and you will be directed to guidance, recorded webinars, project output resources, case studies of effective practice and further references.

We are continually adding to the resources and toolkits pages and would welcome contributions, additional resources and feedback, please email us at

Resources and Toolkits

Academic Integrity and Plagiarism image

Academic Integrity and Plagiarism

Advice about how to detect, respond to and prevent plagiarism thereby fostering students’ academic integrity.

Artificial Intelligence image

Artificial Intelligence

A guidance site on the appropriate use of Gen AI tools at Ulster.

Gen AI Hub
Assessment and Feedback image

Assessment and Feedback

Advice, guidance and resources on assessing and providing feedback to students.

Education for Sustainable Development image

Education for Sustainable Development

Encouragement for all staff to consider how this global imperative can be developed and more explicitly embedded in all curricula....

The Integrated Curriculum Design Framework image

The Integrated Curriculum Design Framework

Resources for the ICDF three-stage approach to curriculum design.

Inclusive Learning, Teaching and Assessment image

Inclusive Learning, Teaching and Assessment

Ulster University is committed to widening access and ensuring that all students in our increasingly diverse student community achieve their...

Inducting and Supporting Students image

Inducting and Supporting Students

Addressing the issue of early leavers in HE through enhancement of the first-year experience and effective practice.

Integrating Research and Teaching  image

Integrating Research and Teaching

Inspiration and guidance for staff on the use of a research-teaching nexus (RTN) to enhance the student learning experience....

Modes of Learning Including Active Learning image

Modes of Learning Including Active Learning

Information on the different modes of learning at Ulster University, including Active Learning.

Physical and Digital Learning Spaces image

Physical and Digital Learning Spaces

How to best utilise new learning spaces and what pedagogies we can avail of.

People, Place and Partnership image

People, Place and Partnership

Delivering Sustainable Futures for All

Sequencing and Designing Learning Activities image

Sequencing and Designing Learning Activities

A number of resources that will help you design learning activities.

SLaTE image


SLaTE, Ulster University's Strategy for Learning and Teaching Enhancement is an agile framework that enables us to develop and deliver...

Socially Just Pedagogies image

Socially Just Pedagogies

Incorporating socially just pedagogies into learning and teaching practice to promote social justice.

Student Engagement and Partnership image

Student Engagement and Partnership

Student engagement encompasses the cognitive, emotional and behavioural domains. Staff-student partnerships facilitate active participation in the learning process....

Teaching International Students image

Teaching International Students

Ways that lecturers and other teaching staff can maintain and improve the quality of teaching and learning for international students....

Module Handbook image

Module Handbook

The adoption of the Module Handbook Template continues to grow, with Course Directors and Module Coordinators praising its ability to...

Module Handbook
Wellbeing in the Curriculum image

Wellbeing in the Curriculum

Embedding Wellbeing and Belonging in the Curriculum. Brought to you by the wellbeing and belonging leadership network.

Wellbeing in the Curriculum