Practice Learning Experience Allocation
New nurses will be expected to meet the essential mental and physical health needs of people of all ages and conditions, as well as in their own field of practice (NMC 2010). Practice learning constitutes 50% of this programme.
Students are expected to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes to become a registered nurse, applying the theoretical aspects of the programme into the provision of person-centred care.
In order to achieve this, students will develop a portfolio that demonstrates how they have met the core and field specific competencies with supporting evidence.
Practice learning throughout the programme will provide students with experience of 24-hour and seven day care over the required 2,300 hours of practice learning.
Practice Assessor Information
This area is designed for all staff involved in supporting learning in the workplace and will provide you with information, resources, learning materials and teaching tools, which should assist your role as practice assessor, sign off assessor, practice teacher or facilitator.
This area is supported by the Northern Ireland Health Care Trusts, Ulster University, and NIPEC and contains information from these organisations, the professional and regulatory bodies and the Making Practice based Learning web-site.
Proceed to Mentorship information
Practice Learning Resources (password protected)
This resource area provides resource material for Students, Practice Assessors, Sign-Off Assessors, Practice Teachers and Teachers supporting Students on NMC approved programmes provided by the School.
This resource gives access to the most up-to-date version of portfolio documentation, policies and procedures, as well as links to other valuable supporting information.
Access to this area is by password, which is provided to those needing to access this area.
Enquiries regarding the password should be made to
Proceed to Practice learning resources
Practice Assessor Evaluation (password protected)
For a number of years the School has sought feedback from Practice Assessors in relation to their experiences in supporting students on practice learning experiences.
This feedback form provides Practice Assessors with the opportunity to provide rapid feedback that can be processed and collated in a timely manner, allowing the School to respond effectively to matters influencing the quality of student learning experiences and environments.
To access the Practice Assessor evaluation you will need to enter an Organisation and Unitcode.
Please note these must be entered in lowercase.
Proceed to mentor evaluation login
The Northern Ireland Practice Assessment Document (NIPAD)
The Northern Ireland Practice Assessment Document (NIPAD) is used by all students undertaking pre-registration nursing programmes under the 2018 NMC standards for pre-registration nursing education. Please access this section for all regional NIPAD training material for those supporting students in practice.