Prof Bill Rolston has just published 'Ambushed by Memory: Post-Conflict Popular Memorialisation in Northern Ireland' in the International Journal of Transitional Justice. As explained in the article's introduction:
This article will consider a particular form of local memorialisation in Belfast, Northern Ireland, the erection of relatively unobtrusive and mainly site-specific plaques which commemorate local people, both nationalist and unionist, who have died in the conflict. The focus is on West Belfast and the reader will be taken on a virtual tour of the area. Before that, the article will consider in general the role of the state in memorialisation and will then move on to a consideration of counter-memorialisation.
This local counter memorialisation in Belfast described in the virtual tour will be viewed as a form of transitional justice from below. Finally, the plaques of West Belfast will be assessed in the light of the main themes of the article: victims’ access to memory and memorialisation, state and local memory entrepreneurship, transitional justice from below and the metaconflict in Northern Ireland.