During the week we caught up with Professor Monica McWilliams (emeritus) and heard about some of her work over the last few weeks.
Monica was an activist in 1960s Northern Ireland and remains forthright in her defence of equality and rights.
Read this post she calls equality ‘unfinished business’
Monica penned this blog on the strategic importance of having women at the table for peace negotiations.
She writes from her own experience on this topic.
You can listen to her podcast on what it was like to be one of only two women at the talks that led to the Good Friday or Belfast Agreement
Monica’s work has been featured now in the film ‘Wave Goodbye to Dinosaurs’ screened by the US network PBS
Monica is finishing a busy month by participating as a panelist in the discussion on the Good Friday Agreement: on Friday and then on Saturday is speaking at the Seamus Heaney Centre.