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Human Rights Violations in the context of Militarised Policing in Brazil: The Right to Mental Health June 21st 2022

Parallel event to the UN Human Rights Council, organised by the Maranhense Human Rights Society (SMDH), Ulster University (Northern Ireland), and Goiás State University (Brazil).

Watch the video from the event

The speakers include three mothers whose children were killed by police and who are now campaigning for an end to racist police violence in Brazil and for justice for the families of victims. Attendees who sign up to the event were sent a link to the film “It Marked My Life a Lot” (Brazil/UK 2020, 40 minutes) prior to event.

The film was produced in collaboration with mothers, teachers, and human rights defenders in Rio's favelas. We also hear from the UN Special Rapporteur on the right to health, Dr Tlaleng Mofokeng, and former UN Special Rapporteurs Dainius Puras and Cristof Heyns.

Speakers at the Event:

Vanessa Francisco Sales, human rights defender from the Alemão complex of favelas, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and mother of Agatha Sales killed by police in 2019

Bruna da Silva, human rights defender from the Maré complex of favelas, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and mother of Marcus Vinicius killed by police in 2018.

Ana Paula Oliveira, one of the leaders of the movement Mothers of Manguinhos, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and mother of Johnatha killed by police in 2014.

Siobhán Wills, the Director of the Transitional Justice Institute at Ulster University, Northern Ireland, and co-director of the film It Marked My Life a Lot.

Diogo Diniz Ribeiro Cabral, human rights defender and lawyer for the Bom Acerto community in Balsas city, Maranhão, Brazil.

Luiz Eduardo Lopes Silva, Professor of History at the Federal University of Maranhão and member of Maranhense Human Rights Society (SMDH) and the Network of Security Observatories, Brazil.


Ulisses Terto Neto, law professor at Goiás State University (Brazil) and research assistant at Ulster University (Northern Ireland).