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Digital Services are committed to monitoring our performance and continually improving our services to ensure we can meet the needs of our customers. In our Customer Charter you can find out more about the standards we aim to provide for our customers and how are customers can help us achieve this together.

We monitor performance in a variety of ways, through a number of methods, including regular user surveys. We also receive ongoing feedback in person, by email, by telephone and through comments cards which is published on a regular basis.

In this section

Satisfaction Surveys

ICT Customer Services conducts surveys to gauge opinions and establish feedback from our staff and students and publish a summary of our findings with our agreed actions.

You said, We did

Some of the improvements we have made based on your feedback or suggestions.

Customer Charter

Our Customer Charter is founded upon Ulster University’s values and summarises what our customers can expect from us and the services we provide. It also identifies how you can help us to achieve these aspirations.

Comments and Suggestions

We want to improve the services we offer for all our customers and your feedback is an important part of this.

IT Service Level Agreements

The level of service provided by Digital Services to our customers in support of their core IT requirements.